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Really hoped this day would never come. :(


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OSBot has been my life over the course of this year and a half.


I remember being on PB and hearing rumours from some mods about a new client called OSBot after wBot got shut down. So I go here, register (551th member <3) and fell in love with this place. The small community was unbelievable, the people, the staff, amazing. However OSBot slowly changed throughout it's time and it's nothing like it was during it's April 2013 to November 2013 reign, January to April 2014 was nice but couldn't match the client quality and tightly knit community I came to know as OSBot. Those days having 50+ people in chats complaining while me and a few other friends would wannabe mod to no avail, those were the days. :(


So it's with a sad and heavy heart I'm saying my final goodbye. I most likely will not be scripting here or doing much, the occasional forum post or pop in the chat may be done so but other than that, it's over.


I'm extremely appreciative to @Laz, @Maxi, @Zach for the amazing client and community they built from the start and thank you for providing me one of the best internet experiences a guy could ask for.


I'm not going to list a group of friends because if I miss anyone, I won't be able to forgive myself since everyone I ever talked to here meant so much to me. <3


If the script pre-fix Dat could be retired from OSBot dat'be cool. :)


If you want to talk to me, add me up on league, NA server, just PM me here and I'll eventually get back to you. <3

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