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You think Jagex watches us on here?


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just a thought because one of my friends got banned almost right away after he started to bot for the very first time he commented on a wood cutting bot i think with his rs name and like an hour or 2 later he was perm banned first time ever botting so just a thought they could be watching us on here to try and catch us out? so yh just what im thinking so if you do get a bot dont post ur rs name here :D

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just a thought because one of my friends got banned almost right away after he started to bot for the very first time he commented on a wood cutting bot i think with his rs name and like an hour or 2 later he was perm banned first time ever botting so just a thought they could be watching us on here to try and catch us out? so yh just what im thinking so if you do get a bot dont post ur rs name here biggrin.png


It sounds plausible; however, bots are getting banned quite easily now adays so it could just be a result of anti botting measures. 
In order to be sure a control group is needed(in other words have an account not botted on also coment in public on a forum like this one and see what happens). 
If it turns out both the bot account and the non bot acocunt are banned; then yeah that's really scary and if not an IP ban that might give support that jagex(or more realistically individual player mods) are spying on us and then reporting the names back to jmods with proof as grounds to ban someone.
Food for thought


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I'm not being a dick I'm just wondering why jagex wouldn't be allowed here?

It's typically covered in the ToS or something, if you're an affiliate of Jagex you're not allowed to enter, that's the gist of it.


In theory they are still allowed here, it's just they cannot state that they have or use evidence procured from here, as that would prove they had been here.

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It's typically covered in the ToS or something, if you're an affiliate of Jagex you're not allowed to enter, that's the gist of it.


In theory they are still allowed here, it's just they cannot state that they have or use evidence procured from here, as that would prove they had been here.

Lol, they can do whatever they want regardless of what the ToS says.


No, Jagex does not waste their time on the forum looking for your RSN.

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