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Khal AIO RuneCrafter


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ya that's another client issue ... the code actually rotated the camera in pieces ...

Sometimes it does rotate in 1 time, sometimes it rotates it in like 25 times ... looking like a piece of shit.


Has all been reported...



Now you made me think, and I guess I can make my own rotate method.

I'll check this out in the morning!




Didn't see your response, awesome thanks :)

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Bug report Template:

- Running abyss or normal altars? Abyss

- What is your setup? (Food, teleport method, obstacles used, pouches used, all you know the better) Abyss, using staminas and rune pick and small pouch. 

- Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck.   


My account just pulls the pure essence and then just bank stands. 






Figured out the problem it is not recovering from filling the pouch I filled the pouch and then it didnt click anymore just stood still.

Edited by EasyGoldStop
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Bug report Template:

- Running abyss or normal altars? Abyss

- What is your setup? (Food, teleport method, obstacles used, pouches used, all you know the better) Abyss, using staminas and rune pick and small pouch. 

- Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck.   


My account just pulls the pure essence and then just bank stands. 



Figured out the problem it is not recovering from filling the pouch I filled the pouch and then it didnt click anymore just stood still.



This is not a bug, you selected "use pouches" but you don't have any in your inventory.

Read the first post before making this kind of posts please.


Start with the pouches in your inven or don't select them smile.png

Edited by Khaleesi
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Hi Khal, Thanks a lots for this awsome script so far sooo good smile.png


i have spoted a litle bug that anoy me a lot... 


" when i run out of HP in the abyss, my bot teleport but will not drink the next energy potion causing me to TP again because im out of energy and walk in the abyss"


 And, do you accept Osgp donation? 

Edited by lipi
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Hi Khal, Thanks a lots for this awsome script so far sooo good smile.png


i have spoted a litle bug that anoy me a lot... 


" when i run out ou HP in the abyss, my bot teleport but will not drink the next energy potion causing me to die again because im out of energy and walk in the abyss"


 And, do you accept Osgp donation? 


I see, I'll check if I can add that ^^

Sure donations are always welcome :)

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hey just to let you know the AIO runecrafting keeps getting stuck on looking into my collection bank interface every now and then and stops me from fully running my script can you please help me with this because its an anoying bug that happens every hour and im starting to have to babysit this script thanks




Also to add to this post because i dont hink you have seen it yet. It keeps running away from the alter everynow and then and dosent fix it self its kinda weaired anways if eathe rone of these happens again ill take a gif of it to show you tongue.png hope this helps




btw this is all mirror client





lol i edited this post 4 times anyways here is a gif of what is happening its kinda anoying anyways gl fixing it:P sry im borthering you with all these bugs i dont mean to but there there :P

Edited by faintdrugs
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hey just to let you know the AIO runecrafting keeps getting stuck on looking into my collection bank interface every now and then and stops me from fully running my script can you please help me with this because its an anoying bug that happens every hour and im starting to have to babysit this script thanks




Also to add to this post because i dont hink you have seen it yet. It keeps running away from the alter everynow and then and dosent fix it self its kinda weaired anways if eathe rone of these happens again ill take a gif of it to show you tongue.png hope this helps




btw this is all mirror client





lol i edited this post 4 times anyways here is a gif of what is happening its kinda anoying anyways gl fixing it:P sry im borthering you with all these bugs i dont mean to but there there tongue.png

Ya I'm doing an update on the runecrafter today, collection box will be fixed then.

second issue is a client issue with the walking in mirror client, I'm going to use my own localwalker since this update.


NOTE: this walker is in beta ... 


Please, please... Add this to the script, WHEN DEAD = LOG OUT please!!

It is nearly an instant ban when its stands for a good 8 hours per night at falador not doing anything.

No need to post with such an attitude... you should have changed it back to lumby then, atleast you would know if you READ the first post.

Added in next update.



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