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Khal AIO RuneCrafter


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Hey Khal, I'm using your script to make air runes and every time he gets to the altar, like actually inside, he misses the rune ess and just stands there, but if I restart the script he runs over to the altar and crafts, he repeats this everytime.

Tried putting my ttally in the bottom of my bag and same problem.  It fixes it self every time I pause and start it or reset it.

Edited by Gottorun
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Hey Khal, I'm using your script to make air runes and every time he gets to the altar, like actually inside, he misses the rune ess and just stands there, but if I restart the script he runs over to the altar and crafts, he repeats this everytime.

Tried putting my ttally in the bottom of my bag and same problem.  It fixes it self every time I pause and start it or reset it.


Same thing happens to me. Seems as if the altar is not in direct view (behind a pillar) this happens. Great script besides this, happy to see it free! Also am trying your ess miner which is also great. Keep up the good work smile.png


EDIT: Just went into ruins with altar in plain view and I just stood there. Paused and played and it went fine. Just letting ya know! :)

Edited by WeinerPizza
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Hey Khal, I'm using your script to make air runes and every time he gets to the altar, like actually inside, he misses the rune ess and just stands there, but if I restart the script he runs over to the altar and crafts, he repeats this everytime.

Tried putting my ttally in the bottom of my bag and same problem.  It fixes it self every time I pause and start it or reset it.



Same thing happens to me. Seems as if the altar is not in direct view (behind a pillar) this happens. Great script besides this, happy to see it free! Also am trying your ess miner which is also great. Keep up the good work smile.png


EDIT: Just went into ruins with altar in plain view and I just stood there. Paused and played and it went fine. Just letting ya know! smile.png


I don't really understand the problem actually, I don't have any problems using a talisman,

Possible some1 wants to add me on skype and show me the problem? :)

Just just tiara, since this speed things up and u got 1 more ess ^^

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I don't really understand the problem actually, I don't have any problems using a talisman,

Possible some1 wants to add me on skype and show me the problem? smile.png

Just just tiara, since this speed things up and u got 1 more ess ^^


I'll try out a Tiara and get back to you on that.


But to clarify, the problem is that when you get to the Air Altar, in my case, it looks like you make an attempt to click the Altar and then just stand there until log out unless you hit pause then play.  If you hit pause then play it works just as advertised.


EDIT: It appears to be working fine atm... I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if I can duplicate again.

Edited by Gottorun
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tried using this at cosmic runes, couldn't get into altar with tiara or talisman, just ended up standing there. Aside from that everything works great. I think food support would be a nice touch as well for cosmic runes, as obstacles can deal a good amount of damage over time.


Ok thx for the post, I'll check this out, Was your tiara equipped?

I might think about the food support at cosmics but I never died, evne when running 2+ hours.


1st bug: Gets stuck running to earth altar (Normal) whilst walking


Will test, thx

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Hey update on my error, I kept using a tali for 30 minutes and then a tiara for another 30 and it did not duplicate so maybe it was just a fluke or Idk what.  


Great  Script!


I really suggest using a tiara, this will speed up enetering the ruin and you got 1 more inventory space.




wont click altar to go in have to click it manual ( nature)


Script has been pushed for an updated,

This will be soon done by osbot.




tried using this at cosmic runes, couldn't get into altar with tiara or talisman, just ended up standing there. Aside from that everything works great. I think food support would be a nice touch as well for cosmic runes, as obstacles can deal a good amount of damage over time.

Yes I'm aware of this and an update has been pushed,

Thx for the patience!



Edited by Khaleesi
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[ERROR][bot #1][07/06 03:33:23 PM]: Error in script executor!


at org.khal.runecrafter.e.b.aUx.k(w:167)

at org.khal.runecrafter.e.b.aUx.f(w:121)

at org.khal.runecrafter.e.b.aUx.e(w:192)

at org.khal.runecrafter.e.AUx.I(g:121)

at org.khal.runecrafter.KhalRunecrafter.onLoop(gb:207)

at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ScriptExecutor.java:99)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)



Got that error when trying to execute the clicking of the cosmic altar.

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[ERROR][bot #1][07/06 03:33:23 PM]: Error in script executor!
at org.khal.runecrafter.e.b.aUx.k(w:167)
at org.khal.runecrafter.e.b.aUx.f(w:121)
at org.khal.runecrafter.e.b.aUx.e(w:192)
at org.khal.runecrafter.e.AUx.I(g:121)
at org.khal.runecrafter.KhalRunecrafter.onLoop(gb:207)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ScriptExecutor.java:99)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Got that error when trying to execute the clicking of the cosmic altar.



Yes I'm aware of that, script could be updated any moment to solve this problem.



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