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The Great Transition Forward - OSBot 2


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Hello dear botters and script developers.
We feel it's becoming time to announce that OSBot will begin officially transitioning over to the OSBot 2 platform along with commencing the start of the new SDN. Today's message is simply a reminder and fair warning to every script developer that the SDN will no longer be selling OSBot 1 scripts starting 2 weeks from now (aka June 16th)!
What does that mean? Well if you paid for an OSBot 1 script, you will still be able to use it on either OSBot 1 natively (as the script was designed) or on the emulator which OSBot 2 provides.
Transition Date:
June 16th, 2014
For customers:
If a script is deemed equivalent to your OSBot 1 script and added onto the OSBot 2 SDN, you will be granted access to the OSBot 2 version as well! If you paid for a script that does not renew ever (aka a lifetime script) and an OSBot 2 equivalent script is available, you will only have a free-trial of 30 days for the OSBot 2 version! You may decide freely whether to keep using OSBot 1 scripts for botting or the OSBot 2 equivalents.
For script-developers:
OSBot 1 scripts will no longer renew or be sold on our store! In order to keep your customers and status as a developer on the SDN, you will be required to convert your scripts to the OSBot 2 platform and ensure their quality and standards. It does not take very long to convert scripts, OSBot 2's API is simply a little bit different with additional features.
There is no reservations for certain scripts (i.e. AIO fighters, merchers, etc.). It's a free-for-all. Only the best scripts will be accepted for premium sales. Additionally, any script which is to be sold on the OSBot 2 SDN/Store will have to meet certain standards of quality and reliability.
What to expect after OSBot 2 is released:
We've been developing OSBot 2 for a long time now and we're close to getting a fully operational dynamic web-walker. OSBot 2.2.X will feature a bot scheduler which takes full advantage of web-walker API being written currently. Additionally, the API will be added so that developers may use web-walking in their scripts as well! 
The next generation scripts for OSBot will feature requirement logistics and starting points on the map. The built-in bot scheduler will allow you to load up an unlimited amount of compatible scripts concurrently and and allow the bot to transition between the loaded scripts freely and randomly based on certain probabilities and configurations done before-hand. This new style of automatic scheduling will allow your bots to behave more human-like during long periods of time by constantly having a pool of different available behaviors.
How are we doing it?:
Here in the development line we're creating tools which facilitate the analyzation of the game's maps and object spawns. Much of the logic behind the proposed web-walkers and bot schedulers is easily automated when data from the game is analyzed properly and efficiently.
We want to start seeing lots of script submissions for the OSBot 2 SDN! OSBot 1 scripts will no longer be sold on June 16th. Newly added OSBot 2 scripts will replace our current repository with better, more reliable scripts! The OSBot 1 client will still be supported for several months and will be discontinued once the OSBot 2 repository is satisfactory!
Sincerely Laz and the OSBot Team!

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..well shit

I thought the purpose of the emulator was so OSBot 1 scripts would still work?

Why are you forcing OSBot 1 scripts to not be sold anymore?

Counter logic.

They can be emulated but we don't want to sell unstable software. Scripts can be converted easily so it shouldn't be an issue to the script developers, especially if they're being paid.

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What about osbot 2 current bugs? I have reported many of them and most of them are still unfixed. I still use 2.1.7 because after that it doesn't even work.


Some of the errors it throws out actually require restart of client. Makes scripting rather very annoying.


We'll be releasing bug-fixes throughout the transition period. We know there are still problems with interactions on OSBot 2 and are working to fix all the bugs which have been reported. On a more important note however, OSBot 2 is nearly finished. The current bugs are small and are easily fixed.

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..well shit

I thought the purpose of the emulator was so OSBot 1 scripts would still work?

Why are you forcing OSBot 1 scripts to not be sold anymore?

Counter logic.

I hope you enjoy having 3 scripts on the SDN.

I don't appreciate your narcissistic attitude and the SDN will have plenty of scripts. Many script developers already have began converting and writing new scripts. 

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