RoomScape Posted July 16, 2014 Author Share Posted July 16, 2014 On 6/27/2014 at 5:05 PM, Pain said: Account login : osbot account @HindyBC scam report link Added. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whopper Posted February 9, 2015 Share Posted February 9, 2015 Account login: julia 1150OSBot account name: Scam report link: N/A Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whopper Posted February 10, 2015 Share Posted February 10, 2015 For those that aren't aware, Sythe is the more general, typical idea of RS account selling. APOS is geared more towards veteran/RSC access account selling. Here's the updated account lists from Sythe & APOS: Sythe's - Reveal hidden contents 0 0 k a z e 067yjonesd1 0davidc0 0o0 pur3z 0o 0o0vl0o0 0nly Sk1lls 0o pk3r 0o 0ops I p0ttt 0wn0matic 0wned y o 0 0xl 0xl ixxl ix0 email login: 1337 pk pwnz 1 D E F [1``D````E``F] 1hit Maul K0 1 pker lol 1xxskillxx1 email login: 2@YOUTUBE.COM 2 good 2 u 2 2h owns ubad 300guy2003 3at my pu5sy 3 hit l0l 3rd abyssal 5cr0ll l0ck 736825407182 777 7th Realm [7th``Realm] email login: 9 99 str0wnz99 email login: Afr0 Agile Runite A k 4 7z email login: Amwelsh Anabolic i Angelboy0004 Animas Paine Aokiji Blitz Apolloispure email login: A Re C H U H Archer910 Argos Boy Arnis164 Arrowkid77 Ash109000 Ash Da Man1 Ash Is Kauno As Spideris Arrowkill3r Atk U Atm6Thunder Atombomber12 Auburnfan221 Au viata mea A v f c 1982 Backwell Baddogibite3 Bali119 Base50 Batman 99111 Bbdevils [recovered after given out for free] Beavis8591 Bietje Big 8llllllD Billie Gee Bl33d N33b [bl33d``N33b] Blackcrax Blackmakeup1 Blackmakeup2 Blackmakeup3 Blackmakeup4 Blackwiz12 Blast Force Blitz Again Bl0ody Claws Bloodi Arrow Bloodyshark4 B l u e 4 u Bombshell436 Bon381 Boogie Nite email login: Bow To Lordd Branthers Brom53764 Bronze Tupac Bs Torqu C3h Cameroony24 Can I Thieve Cena719 Chaddy2004 Chase Is Gr8 Chill Pka China Lover0 Choma Cidov C h e f [c'''h''e'''f] Chopper Nuke Ciryatur Classic Kid email login: Cole Da Pk Cold Sinz Coolaidman29 Cooler3100 Crak151 Crazy Dj lt Crazyz31 Create joke Crip Anthem Cross Mage [Cross``Mage] Crunkjuice29 C R Y M O R3 email login: Curtis Josep Cvysa21 D3ad poison D34d so k03d Dallasp654 Damexican99 Danious 2nd Dennis123199 Darkdrium0 Dark edge15 Darkhawk Fin Darktroll_Jr Deathrnge666 Declination Def_josh_is De iEat KFC Destr0ya59 Di3 2 heaven email login: Dievas777 Dis Skill Djfrost7 Djtix Dnshadowdude Dont pk ftw Dox10 Dragonfudd Drakenclaw Drakeskillzz Dranzer Bit Dreamwisher5 Drink Jd D R L Drunknh0bo Dunsas Dz01 E email login: Eat Bronze0 E G G [E``G```G] Eggman2x1 Eisa Puma Elementsk60 Elitepure101 Elton j0n E m i n 3 ml Emo Devil E M O P W N Enzyme0 Era Raider Evil Me Extremefish Ez Bake 0ven F4t4l M3l33x Famed range Fcb7buc Fear Brute Feyenoord64 Fireball_76 Fire mage973 Filo Stylz FilthBreed Flaminhawk21 Flamingwa749 Flatem For ltpkteam Foxfighter40 Fshr4Lyfe Fulful (Report any user attempting to sell this account in the RaS forum.) Funkey2008 Fuqly G4m3 0 v e r G a b e Garter Wind Gb Deadliest Giga the pk Glandville Girllover590 God rep Godess999 (Recovered multiple times) Gorely Gr8tcrusader Grayf Greatbeam Gumnut Tree Hades66655 Hamppu100 Hand of Ange Hasoonie17 Hastily Rain Harl0e Heaton_x Heinrich48 Herr Hakala Hhmmmmmmm High Lightz Hi Im Kids Homiee101 Hot girl 517 Hows33 Humpanddump3 I3lue santa I3sers Iamgod280 I am godi am Ibangedher69 I ce bl i tz lceboat Ice I Blitz Icyxpker I Do Not Pk (I`Do`Not``Pk) I Elm0 I I F2p fish I freja I I Gernade I Iggy1966 Igpp I h0zy I Ii heav3n iI I IZ LEGEND (I``Iz legend) I Jerk Pls Il Brut3 il Il Hook u up I Love I Il i i0l ill (Report any user attempting to sell this account in the RaS forum.) Il Xyience I Ily Matti Xo Imaposer2 Imnoskilla Im Ownag3 I mr r4ng3 i Infiniteplay Infinity5 Inov I Oma I (I````Oma```I) I R Legion I Sc1m1tar I I Silpheed I I Sn1p3r 1 I Soft ducky Italy Iteabahg I toe jam I (I`toe``jam`I) Itsallupccc Its granaat1 Itz Sizzy Ivoos Ivoos Pure i wear hat i I wedel I I xc0rc1st I Ixl collapse Ixowngexi J 4 m r 0 k Jack G 69 email login: Jago_93 JamesPikachu Jayere6 email login: Jensiboy001 Jianqing1994 Joekelintje Joelmcmahon Joonathannn email login: Jr Fire Rock Kaitse omab Kalkal50 Kaos Kobra (Kaos``Kobra) Kiefler Elf Killa Gurdit Kill r 0 y Killingalot Kingchaos87 Kinglance94 Kingman tora Kings0f Leon King Tamm Kip Kitri Klumzy Range Krishna 26 Kulrich Kut r4ng3 L0st Ur Hp Lancinate Last Fury Ko L e e t weed LegitCast Leon 0243 Lift Like Punish Lilgaz66 Lionized9 Lolobota Lord Joshua (Lord``Joshua) Lord Sinix Luke 44 (luke``44) Lumb Via Dds Lumby Baller L v L (L``v```L) M 3 r k g 3 M4j0r 0wn4g3 Maddie716 Maervene Mage Emote Mage o Milan Magerk1d Mageq ltu Magick1rby Maic4 Majikninja88 Man u013 email login: Master41893 Masterarch63 Maxfmaxfx2 Maximustheg Maxfmaxfx2 Megasonise Melle R8ped Meximan676 Mhfan12 Miami Metro Mikevh Snake email login: Millionier Min3r Man2 Mine fields Miningboy84 M i t h y Mizzikebeast M J K 6 9 Mmsythe Monster6123 Morb head Mrhairy303 Mr who27 Muddwayne Murcuz Mutant maulz Mr Toxine Mymagicbow My teqnique Nard Pwn N0va darknes N0va M4ge (n0va``m4ge) N 3 3 B I E Natuko666 Navizma Naxa Nelsons3 Nifelheim O 0 foxy 0 0 o0 i 0 i 0o O Bmth O O like pwns Omar Sqirk Omgcodysback One Geordie Orbit Fury Osmanosama Owned Pl0x (Owned``Pl0x) Ownin Frenzy P 0 ke m e n P91imp Pepsodent112 Phantomx000 Phisix Pies Tasty Pinis Bow Pinko69 Pixel Troll Pkerthunda10 Platinumguy3 Poosnake Porkchop12 Poskipuna Power 0f gp Princas 123 Pro Barraged Pur3 Attack4 Pur3 H1tt1n Pur3 R4nge6 Pure2Range02 email login: Puredude127 PureRangeX Puresabor Puretorin Pwn by skill Q Quagmire Bow Quail man7 Quan Leo R 1 b 3 n a R4ul 0wnz Ranged2kill0 Ranged Whut Range Magers Rangerweij3 Range S i nz Razarklaw Red dss man Red Ownd Redownerbb Redredred27 Reefer1010 Renecuba03 Revengepk111 Riky295 Rivieria RL Welfare Robbie Guo19 Robbit2 Robyroakill Rockaraider Rohner1 Ronaldo Boi Roo owns you Rouge P k er R R 5 email login: Runeidiot99 Rupt0 Rush S0cc3rsc0d3 Sabaammari2 Sad Dude Lol Safe M U C H Sago Sam Sams pvp Sammysalgado Samt1464 Samt1465 email login: Sara@do.min Savage Safer Scim struckk Scim to skul Sero O Wned Setminning Sewoon S h a d e n Shadowconvoy Shadydog30 Shadzter email login: Shut it n33b email login: Sir Child Sir Jerson Sir Raxim Sk1ll n def Sk8erbg207 Sk8ter8888 Skillingatt Skills7 Skill Ya Dry S M A C K 69 Smal Pen0r Snack Time Soccer Du25 So Iced Solrosenburg Sonic 151 Sooty Soz U Die Sp33cly Spedmonkey82 Spriteice Spyraldragon Srfred S t a k a r email login: email login: Stilly1 Stoupe Dog Str4ight Up Strikeyy Stupify Sick Summer Bo0zy Summer B0ozy Super Goku23 Sxcspike S Y T H E [s`Y``T`H```E] Taharz Tank Tapapoiss Tehbobkid Teh c bow Tekorache Terror D0me Thadious5 Tha Sk1lls The Duality6 email login: The Mystic43 email login: Tohardtok0 Tombern Toshortofnam Tradd69 Tranzetic Ko Trevordf Trik123 Tuga300 Typic Ko Tysonz U Fail Rofl Unda I King Uniquee Own Vang530 Vesta Kingz Viper200138 Vladoria V o0 D00 Voomba o4 Vova387 Uniquee Ork Unknown 1 pk Unl m t3d Vitesseoost W3 t0d 3d W A G Z Wajag Walmart thug Wangd Weeman2202 Welcome2lumm Wetherell Wet vahgyna Wfrank Wild Creek Wild takes Wild iz bak w il d y email login: Wiz Mage24 Woahkids Wu Di You n3wblet X 0 bh 0 X X1cn X 3 h1t X X B r x iced Xbow to Cbow X Dr1pz X email login: X el3ktra X Xena Xl3g3ndg0dx Xll l00t xll Xobbyxmauled X pinoyboy X Xsniper1337x Xstr0wnzux X Str Z0mg x X Su1c1d3 X2 Xx blasty xx Xx bsers xx Xx kick xX Xx magyar gf Xxprostatsxx Xx R I P Xx1 Xxx deivis (Xxx``deivis) X Z O R S H Y0u are bunz You got bsed Yo Yo Pker3 Yoyoyoo9 You n3wblet Yung Waffles Z Za3 R Zamrok Str Zasfis Zerigemok Zezlar Zombiesauce Zoowned Z w33z3r Z ZWWC Zxcv008 Zynreth Zzer0 Tomis129 email login: email login: email login: email login: Im_Only_54 cajoaf mclimelight ironmen49 Robe Top h a brad h a d o w n e dz - scam report with ACC stats: kitty kilt -> last RSN : Flix3rn Skill Jamba -> -> Reporting Scammer - Trading Enterprises tijmensword Zoso3pen (ex-comp cape account ~1B xp) sold here -> scam report; tried to be resold here and here xo_wrath_ox last known rsn : Realityrs (24th March 2014) mo----murda Last name: Kures v2 display name: Abyssal scam report Why_Ma_u_l - pk3rz qwnz - - in game name dynuhmitee I Miiasma I x i nyx i x g lord f - Account is locked Sinfathisar - Crucifixed APOS's - Reveal hidden contents 0wn ya n0w 01 hit killa 3l1t3 w4rrs 420 gleuy alanpearce alextenny ape necro b a nl k b0nz m4g3 bone bird il bonn bumba staker cingo d e c k darkdemon445 deathbybolts dj bilbo dominator nj doominator66 e n d y 0 u e3t 2 e3t ranger edgar 01 f a n t a s general ga gr33n killer h i t t 3 r haski i h1t u lumb ilvllaniac x im d r e a d jasperwebb jimmie haffa jonaska kndy jr koz_def_n0ob kynsi jr kynsisieni ll 0wn3r ll manglican x mass pudd maygath mrs arch3ra n koo nature_m0nk nikostarr nipsun voima ony the king orbit_3 ozku 90 p3ng3rs pk juusto pk pk pk kill pk suomi 9 pkr str0ng princess1443 punisher592 pure desteny rik my balls rondave02 royalbank3r rune alien38 runepker90 s a l sir grasu str oxxy super pure22 syk wid it1 tear you up weriix wiggaditz wolverette x_jarha_x xdevilkillx xpkxpkxpk347 xryudo2005x xxx to my xx youn9er buck young3r buck Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoomScape Posted March 3, 2015 Author Share Posted March 3, 2015 On 2/10/2015 at 9:41 PM, Whopper said: For those that aren't aware, Sythe is the more general, typical idea of RS account selling. APOS is geared more towards veteran/RSC access account selling. Here's the updated account lists from Sythe & APOS: Sythe's - Reveal hidden contents 0 0 k a z e 067yjonesd1 0davidc0 0o0 pur3z 0o 0o0vl0o0 0nly Sk1lls 0o pk3r 0o 0ops I p0ttt 0wn0matic 0wned y o 0 0xl 0xl ixxl ix0 email login: 1337 pk pwnz 1 D E F [1``D````E``F] 1hit Maul K0 1 pker lol 1xxskillxx1 email login: 2@YOUTUBE.COM 2 good 2 u 2 2h owns ubad 300guy2003 3at my pu5sy 3 hit l0l 3rd abyssal 5cr0ll l0ck 736825407182 777 7th Realm [7th``Realm] email login: 9 99 str0wnz99 email login: Afr0 Agile Runite A k 4 7z email login: Amwelsh Anabolic i Angelboy0004 Animas Paine Aokiji Blitz Apolloispure email login: A Re C H U H Archer910 Argos Boy Arnis164 Arrowkid77 Ash109000 Ash Da Man1 Ash Is Kauno As Spideris Arrowkill3r Atk U Atm6Thunder Atombomber12 Auburnfan221 Au viata mea A v f c 1982 Backwell Baddogibite3 Bali119 Base50 Batman 99111 Bbdevils [recovered after given out for free] Beavis8591 Bietje Big 8llllllD Billie Gee Bl33d N33b [bl33d``N33b] Blackcrax Blackmakeup1 Blackmakeup2 Blackmakeup3 Blackmakeup4 Blackwiz12 Blast Force Blitz Again Bl0ody Claws Bloodi Arrow Bloodyshark4 B l u e 4 u Bombshell436 Bon381 Boogie Nite email login: Bow To Lordd Branthers Brom53764 Bronze Tupac Bs Torqu C3h Cameroony24 Can I Thieve Cena719 Chaddy2004 Chase Is Gr8 Chill Pka China Lover0 Choma Cidov C h e f [c'''h''e'''f] Chopper Nuke Ciryatur Classic Kid email login: Cole Da Pk Cold Sinz Coolaidman29 Cooler3100 Crak151 Crazy Dj lt Crazyz31 Create joke Crip Anthem Cross Mage [Cross``Mage] Crunkjuice29 C R Y M O R3 email login: Curtis Josep Cvysa21 D3ad poison D34d so k03d Dallasp654 Damexican99 Danious 2nd Dennis123199 Darkdrium0 Dark edge15 Darkhawk Fin Darktroll_Jr Deathrnge666 Declination Def_josh_is De iEat KFC Destr0ya59 Di3 2 heaven email login: Dievas777 Dis Skill Djfrost7 Djtix Dnshadowdude Dont pk ftw Dox10 Dragonfudd Drakenclaw Drakeskillzz Dranzer Bit Dreamwisher5 Drink Jd D R L Drunknh0bo Dunsas Dz01 E email login: Eat Bronze0 E G G [E``G```G] Eggman2x1 Eisa Puma Elementsk60 Elitepure101 Elton j0n E m i n 3 ml Emo Devil E M O P W N Enzyme0 Era Raider Evil Me Extremefish Ez Bake 0ven F4t4l M3l33x Famed range Fcb7buc Fear Brute Feyenoord64 Fireball_76 Fire mage973 Filo Stylz FilthBreed Flaminhawk21 Flamingwa749 Flatem For ltpkteam Foxfighter40 Fshr4Lyfe Fulful (Report any user attempting to sell this account in the RaS forum.) Funkey2008 Fuqly G4m3 0 v e r G a b e Garter Wind Gb Deadliest Giga the pk Glandville Girllover590 God rep Godess999 (Recovered multiple times) Gorely Gr8tcrusader Grayf Greatbeam Gumnut Tree Hades66655 Hamppu100 Hand of Ange Hasoonie17 Hastily Rain Harl0e Heaton_x Heinrich48 Herr Hakala Hhmmmmmmm High Lightz Hi Im Kids Homiee101 Hot girl 517 Hows33 Humpanddump3 I3lue santa I3sers Iamgod280 I am godi am Ibangedher69 I ce bl i tz lceboat Ice I Blitz Icyxpker I Do Not Pk (I`Do`Not``Pk) I Elm0 I I F2p fish I freja I I Gernade I Iggy1966 Igpp I h0zy I Ii heav3n iI I IZ LEGEND (I``Iz legend) I Jerk Pls Il Brut3 il Il Hook u up I Love I Il i i0l ill (Report any user attempting to sell this account in the RaS forum.) Il Xyience I Ily Matti Xo Imaposer2 Imnoskilla Im Ownag3 I mr r4ng3 i Infiniteplay Infinity5 Inov I Oma I (I````Oma```I) I R Legion I Sc1m1tar I I Silpheed I I Sn1p3r 1 I Soft ducky Italy Iteabahg I toe jam I (I`toe``jam`I) Itsallupccc Its granaat1 Itz Sizzy Ivoos Ivoos Pure i wear hat i I wedel I I xc0rc1st I Ixl collapse Ixowngexi J 4 m r 0 k Jack G 69 email login: Jago_93 JamesPikachu Jayere6 email login: Jensiboy001 Jianqing1994 Joekelintje Joelmcmahon Joonathannn email login: Jr Fire Rock Kaitse omab Kalkal50 Kaos Kobra (Kaos``Kobra) Kiefler Elf Killa Gurdit Kill r 0 y Killingalot Kingchaos87 Kinglance94 Kingman tora Kings0f Leon King Tamm Kip Kitri Klumzy Range Krishna 26 Kulrich Kut r4ng3 L0st Ur Hp Lancinate Last Fury Ko L e e t weed LegitCast Leon 0243 Lift Like Punish Lilgaz66 Lionized9 Lolobota Lord Joshua (Lord``Joshua) Lord Sinix Luke 44 (luke``44) Lumb Via Dds Lumby Baller L v L (L``v```L) M 3 r k g 3 M4j0r 0wn4g3 Maddie716 Maervene Mage Emote Mage o Milan Magerk1d Mageq ltu Magick1rby Maic4 Majikninja88 Man u013 email login: Master41893 Masterarch63 Maxfmaxfx2 Maximustheg Maxfmaxfx2 Megasonise Melle R8ped Meximan676 Mhfan12 Miami Metro Mikevh Snake email login: Millionier Min3r Man2 Mine fields Miningboy84 M i t h y Mizzikebeast M J K 6 9 Mmsythe Monster6123 Morb head Mrhairy303 Mr who27 Muddwayne Murcuz Mutant maulz Mr Toxine Mymagicbow My teqnique Nard Pwn N0va darknes N0va M4ge (n0va``m4ge) N 3 3 B I E Natuko666 Navizma Naxa Nelsons3 Nifelheim O 0 foxy 0 0 o0 i 0 i 0o O Bmth O O like pwns Omar Sqirk Omgcodysback One Geordie Orbit Fury Osmanosama Owned Pl0x (Owned``Pl0x) Ownin Frenzy P 0 ke m e n P91imp Pepsodent112 Phantomx000 Phisix Pies Tasty Pinis Bow Pinko69 Pixel Troll Pkerthunda10 Platinumguy3 Poosnake Porkchop12 Poskipuna Power 0f gp Princas 123 Pro Barraged Pur3 Attack4 Pur3 H1tt1n Pur3 R4nge6 Pure2Range02 email login: Puredude127 PureRangeX Puresabor Puretorin Pwn by skill Q Quagmire Bow Quail man7 Quan Leo R 1 b 3 n a R4ul 0wnz Ranged2kill0 Ranged Whut Range Magers Rangerweij3 Range S i nz Razarklaw Red dss man Red Ownd Redownerbb Redredred27 Reefer1010 Renecuba03 Revengepk111 Riky295 Rivieria RL Welfare Robbie Guo19 Robbit2 Robyroakill Rockaraider Rohner1 Ronaldo Boi Roo owns you Rouge P k er R R 5 email login: Runeidiot99 Rupt0 Rush S0cc3rsc0d3 Sabaammari2 Sad Dude Lol Safe M U C H Sago Sam Sams pvp Sammysalgado Samt1464 Samt1465 email login: Sara@do.min Savage Safer Scim struckk Scim to skul Sero O Wned Setminning Sewoon S h a d e n Shadowconvoy Shadydog30 Shadzter email login: Shut it n33b email login: Sir Child Sir Jerson Sir Raxim Sk1ll n def Sk8erbg207 Sk8ter8888 Skillingatt Skills7 Skill Ya Dry S M A C K 69 Smal Pen0r Snack Time Soccer Du25 So Iced Solrosenburg Sonic 151 Sooty Soz U Die Sp33cly Spedmonkey82 Spriteice Spyraldragon Srfred S t a k a r email login: email login: Stilly1 Stoupe Dog Str4ight Up Strikeyy Stupify Sick Summer Bo0zy Summer B0ozy Super Goku23 Sxcspike S Y T H E [s`Y``T`H```E] Taharz Tank Tapapoiss Tehbobkid Teh c bow Tekorache Terror D0me Thadious5 Tha Sk1lls The Duality6 email login: The Mystic43 email login: Tohardtok0 Tombern Toshortofnam Tradd69 Tranzetic Ko Trevordf Trik123 Tuga300 Typic Ko Tysonz U Fail Rofl Unda I King Uniquee Own Vang530 Vesta Kingz Viper200138 Vladoria V o0 D00 Voomba o4 Vova387 Uniquee Ork Unknown 1 pk Unl m t3d Vitesseoost W3 t0d 3d W A G Z Wajag Walmart thug Wangd Weeman2202 Welcome2lumm Wetherell Wet vahgyna Wfrank Wild Creek Wild takes Wild iz bak w il d y email login: Wiz Mage24 Woahkids Wu Di You n3wblet X 0 bh 0 X X1cn X 3 h1t X X B r x iced Xbow to Cbow X Dr1pz X email login: X el3ktra X Xena Xl3g3ndg0dx Xll l00t xll Xobbyxmauled X pinoyboy X Xsniper1337x Xstr0wnzux X Str Z0mg x X Su1c1d3 X2 Xx blasty xx Xx bsers xx Xx kick xX Xx magyar gf Xxprostatsxx Xx R I P Xx1 Xxx deivis (Xxx``deivis) X Z O R S H Y0u are bunz You got bsed Yo Yo Pker3 Yoyoyoo9 You n3wblet Yung Waffles Z Za3 R Zamrok Str Zasfis Zerigemok Zezlar Zombiesauce Zoowned Z w33z3r Z ZWWC Zxcv008 Zynreth Zzer0 Tomis129 email login: email login: email login: email login: Im_Only_54 cajoaf mclimelight ironmen49 Robe Top h a brad h a d o w n e dz - scam report with ACC stats: kitty kilt -> last RSN : Flix3rn Skill Jamba -> -> Reporting Scammer - Trading Enterprises tijmensword Zoso3pen (ex-comp cape account ~1B xp) sold here -> scam report; tried to be resold here and here xo_wrath_ox last known rsn : Realityrs (24th March 2014) mo----murda Last name: Kures v2 display name: Abyssal scam report Why_Ma_u_l - pk3rz qwnz - - in game name dynuhmitee I Miiasma I x i nyx i x g lord f - Account is locked Sinfathisar - Crucifixed APOS's - Reveal hidden contents 0wn ya n0w 01 hit killa 3l1t3 w4rrs 420 gleuy alanpearce alextenny ape necro b a nl k b0nz m4g3 bone bird il bonn bumba staker cingo d e c k darkdemon445 deathbybolts dj bilbo dominator nj doominator66 e n d y 0 u e3t 2 e3t ranger edgar 01 f a n t a s general ga gr33n killer h i t t 3 r haski i h1t u lumb ilvllaniac x im d r e a d jasperwebb jimmie haffa jonaska kndy jr koz_def_n0ob kynsi jr kynsisieni ll 0wn3r ll manglican x mass pudd maygath mrs arch3ra n koo nature_m0nk nikostarr nipsun voima ony the king orbit_3 ozku 90 p3ng3rs pk juusto pk pk pk kill pk suomi 9 pkr str0ng princess1443 punisher592 pure desteny rik my balls rondave02 royalbank3r rune alien38 runepker90 s a l sir grasu str oxxy super pure22 syk wid it1 tear you up weriix wiggaditz wolverette x_jarha_x xdevilkillx xpkxpkxpk347 xryudo2005x xxx to my xx youn9er buck young3r buck I realize that and already talked to them about that. They wanted me to state the site name where I took the names from and the staff here said that's considered advertising so I wasn't able to do it which is why I started from scratch. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morova Posted November 24, 2015 Share Posted November 24, 2015 Please add this much larger list from to this list. Quote Recovered AccountsThese are accounts that have been reported as recovered: 0 0 k a z e 067yjonesd1 0davidc0 0o0 pur3z 0o 0o0vl0o0 0nly Sk1lls 0o pk3r 0o 0ops I p0ttt 0wn0matic 0wned y o 0 0xl 0xl ixxl ix0 email login: 1337 pk pwnz 1 D E F [1``D````E``F] 1hit Maul K0 1 pker lol 1xxskillxx1 email login: 2@YOUTUBE.COM 2 good 2 u 2 2h owns ubad 300guy2003 3at my pu5sy 3 hit l0l 3rd abyssal 5cr0ll l0ck 736825407182 777 7th Realm [7th``Realm] email login: 9 99 str0wnz99 email login: Afr0 Agile Runite A k 4 7z email login: Amwelsh Anabolic i Angelboy0004 Animas Paine Aokiji Blitz Apolloispure email login: A Re C H U H Archer910 Argos Boy Arnis164 Arrowkid77 Ash109000 Ash Da Man1 Ash Is Kauno As Spideris Arrowkill3r Atk U Atm6Thunder Atombomber12 Auburnfan221 Au viata mea A v f c 1982 Backwell Baddogibite3 Bali119 Base50 Batman 99111 Bbdevils [recovered after given out for free] Beavis8591 Bietje Big 8llllllD Billie Gee Bl33d N33b [bl33d``N33b] Blackcrax Blackmakeup1 Blackmakeup2 Blackmakeup3 Blackmakeup4 Blackwiz12 Blast Force Blitz Again Bl0ody Claws Bloodi Arrow Bloodyshark4 B l u e 4 u Bombshell436 Bon381 Boogie Nite email login: Bow To Lordd Boxers243 Branthers Brom53764 Bronze Tupac Bs Torqu C3h Cameroony24 Can I Thieve Cena719 Chaddy2004 Chase Is Gr8 Chill Pka China Lover0 Choma Cidov C h e f [c'''h''e'''f] Chopper Nuke Ciryatur Classic Kid email login: Cole Da Pk Cold Sinz Coolaidman29 Cooler3100 Crak151 Crazy Dj lt Crazyz31 Create joke Crip Anthem Cross Mage [Cross``Mage] Crunkjuice29 C R Y M O R3 email login: Curtis Josep Cvysa21 D3ad poison D34d so k03d Dallasp654 Damexican99 Danious 2nd Dennis123199 Darkdrium0 Dark edge15 Darkhawk Fin Darktroll_Jr Deathrnge666 Declination Def_josh_is De iEat KFC Destr0ya59 Di3 2 heaven email login: Dievas777 Dis Skill Djfrost7 Djtix Dnshadowdude Dont pk ftw Dox10 Dragonfudd Drakenclaw Drakeskillzz Dranzer Bit Dreamwisher5 Drink Jd D R L Drunknh0bo Dunsas Dz01 E email login: Eat Bronze0 E G G [E``G```G] Eggman2x1 p*] Eisa Puma Elementsk60 Elitepure101 Elton j0n E m i n 3 ml Emo Devil E M O P W N Enzyme0 Era Raider Evil Me Extremefish Ez Bake 0ven F4t4l M3l33x Famed range Fcb7buc Fear Brute Feyenoord64 Fireball_76 Fire mage973 Filo Stylz FilthBreed Flaminhawk21 Flamingwa749 Flatem For ltpkteam Foxfighter40 Fshr4Lyfe Fulful (Report any user attempting to sell this account in the RaS forum.) Funkey2008 Fuqly G4m3 0 v e r G a b e Garter Wind Gb Deadliest Giga the pk Glandville Girllover590 God rep Godess999 (Recovered multiple times) Gorely Gr8tcrusader Grayf Greatbeam Gumnut Tree Hades66655 Hamppu100 Hand of Ange Hasoonie17 Hastily Rain Harl0e Heaton_x Heinrich48 Hhmmmmmmm High Lightz Hi Im Kids Homiee101 Hot girl 517 Hows33 Humpanddump3 I3lue santa I3sers Iamgod280 I am godi am Ibangedher69 I ce bl i tz lceboat Ice I Blitz Icyxpker I Do Not Pk (I`Do`Not``Pk) I Elm0 I I F2p fish I freja I I Gernade I Iggy1966 Igpp I h0zy I Ii heav3n iI I IZ LEGEND (I``Iz legend) I Jerk Pls Il Brut3 il Il Hook u up I Love I Il i i0l ill (Report any user attempting to sell this account in the RaS forum.) Il Xyience I Ily Matti Xo Imaposer2 Imnoskilla Im Ownag3 I mr r4ng3 i Infiniteplay Infinity5 Inov I Oma I (I````Oma```I) I R Legion I Sc1m1tar I I Silpheed I I Sn1p3r 1 I Soft ducky Italy Iteabahg I toe jam I (I`toe``jam`I) Itsallupccc Its granaat1 Itz Sizzy Ivoos Ivoos Pure i wear hat i I wedel I I xc0rc1st I Ixl collapse Ixowngexi J 4 m r 0 k Jack G 69 email login: Jago_93 JamesPikachu Jayere6 email login: Jensiboy001 Jianqing1994 Joekelintje Joelmcmahon Joonathannn email login: Jr Fire Rock Kaitse omab Kalkal50 Kaos Kobra (Kaos``Kobra) Kiefler Elf Killa Gurdit Kill r 0 y Killingalot Kingchaos87 Kinglance94 Kingman tora Kings0f Leon King Tamm Kip Kitri Klumzy Range Krishna 26 Kulrich Kut r4ng3 L0st Ur Hp Lancinate Last Fury Ko L e e t weed LegitCast Leon 0243 Lift Like Punish Lilgaz66 Lionized9 Lolobota Lord Joshua (Lord``Joshua) Lord Sinix Luke 44 (luke``44) Lumb Via Dds Lumby Baller L v L (L``v```L) M 3 r k g 3 M4j0r 0wn4g3 Maddie716 Maervene Mage Emote Mage o Milan Magerk1d Mageq ltu Magick1rby Maic4 Majikninja88 Man u013 email login: Master41893 Masterarch63 Maxfmaxfx2 Maximustheg Maxfmaxfx2 Megasonise Melle R8ped Meximan676 Mhfan12 Miami Metro Mikevh Snake email login: Millionier Min3r Man2 Mine fields Miningboy84 M i t h y Mizzikebeast M J K 6 9 Mmsythe Monster6123 Morb head Mrhairy303 Mr who27 Muddwayne Murcuz Mutant maulz Mr Toxine Mymagicbow My teqnique Nard Pwn N0va darknes N0va M4ge (n0va``m4ge) N 3 3 B I E Natuko666 Navizma Naxa Nelsons3 Nifelheim O 0 foxy 0 0 o0 i 0 i 0o O Bmth O O like pwns Omar Sqirk Omgcodysback One Geordie Orbit Fury Osmanosama Owned Pl0x (Owned``Pl0x) Ownin Frenzy P 0 ke m e n P91imp Pepsodent112 Phantomx000 Phisix Pies Tasty Pinis Bow Pinko69 Pixel Troll Pkerthunda10 Platinumguy3 Poosnake Porkchop12 Poskipuna Power 0f gp Princas 123 Pro Barraged Pur3 Attack4 Pur3 H1tt1n Pur3 R4nge6 Pure2Range02 email login: Puredude127 PureRangeX Puresabor Puretorin Pwn by skill Q Quagmire Bow Quail man7 Quan Leo R 1 b 3 n a R4ul 0wnz Ranged2kill0 Ranged Whut Range Magers Rangerweij3 Range S i nz Razarklaw Red dss man Red Ownd Redownerbb Redredred27 Reefer1010 Renecuba03 Revengepk111 Riky295 Rivieria RL Welfare Robbie Guo19 Robbit2 Robyroakill Rockaraider Rohner1 Ronaldo Boi Roo owns you Rouge P k er R R 5 email login: Runeidiot99 Rupt0 Rush S0cc3rsc0d3 Sabaammari2 Sad Dude Lol Safe M U C H Sago Sam Sams pvp Sammysalgado Samt1464 Samt1465 email login: Sara@do.min Savage Safer Scim struckk Scim to skul Sero O Wned Setminning Sewoon S h a d e n Shadowconvoy Shadydog30 Shadzter email login: Shut it n33b email login: Sir Child Sir Jerson Sir Raxim Sk1ll n def Sk8erbg207 Sk8ter8888 Skillingatt Skills7 Skill Ya Dry S M A C K 69 Smal Pen0r Snack Time Soccer Du25 So Iced Solrosenburg Sonic 151 Sooty Soz U Die Sp33cly Spedmonkey82 Spriteice Spyraldragon Srfred S t a k a r email login: email login: Stilly1 Stoupe Dog Str4ight Up Strikeyy Stupify Sick Summer Bo0zy Summer B0ozy Super Goku23 Sxcspike S Y T H E [s`Y``T`H```E] Taharz Tank Tapapoiss Tehbobkid Teh c bow Tekorache Terror D0me Thadious5 Tha Sk1lls The Duality6 email login: The Mystic43 email login: Tohardtok0 Tombern Toshortofnam Tradd69 Tranzetic Ko Trevordf Trik123 Tuga300 Typic Ko Tysonz U Fail Rofl Unda I King Uniquee Own Vang530 Vesta Kingz Viper200138 Vladoria V o0 D00 Voomba o4 Vova387 Uniquee Ork Unknown 1 pk Unl m t3d Vitesseoost W3 t0d 3d W A G Z Wajag Walmart thug Wangd Weeman2202 Welcome2lumm Wetherell Wet vahgyna Wfrank Wild Creek Wild takes Wild iz bak w il d y email login: Wiz Mage24 Woahkids Wu Di You n3wblet X 0 bh 0 X X1cn X 3 h1t X X B r x iced Xbow to Cbow X Dr1pz X email login: X el3ktra X Xena Xl3g3ndg0dx Xll l00t xll Xobbyxmauled X pinoyboy X Xsniper1337x Xstr0wnzux X Str Z0mg x X Su1c1d3 X2 Xx blasty xx Xx bsers xx Xx kick xX Xx magyar gf Xxprostatsxx Xx R I P Xx1 Xxx deivis (Xxx``deivis) X Z O R S H Y0u are bunz You got bsed Yo Yo Pker3 Yoyoyoo9 You n3wblet Yung Waffles Z Za3 R Zamrok Str Zasfis Zerigemok Zezlar Zombiesauce Zoowned Z w33z3r Z ZWWC Zxcv008 Zynreth Zzer0 Quote Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
serg Rambo Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 login: stxtics@1.com womenbecrazy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chris Posted December 31, 2016 Share Posted December 31, 2016 Account login: psychduck123@@gmail.comOSBot account name: SpiderManScam report link: 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uta Posted January 27, 2017 Share Posted January 27, 2017 inlog : osbot acount name : Starcraft scam report : haven't made one since he alredy got perma banned Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoomScape Posted May 25, 2017 Author Share Posted May 25, 2017 On 1/27/2017 at 11:45 AM, uta said: inlog : osbot acount name : Starcraft scam report : haven't made one since he alredy got perma banned Expand The reason behind you not making a scam report is kind of invalid... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uta Posted May 25, 2017 Share Posted May 25, 2017 On 5/25/2017 at 2:39 AM, RoomScape said: The reason behind you not making a scam report is kind of invalid... Expand he was already perm banned and he already resold the account on sythe i doubt he is ever coming back so never felt the need to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoomScape Posted May 25, 2017 Author Share Posted May 25, 2017 On 5/25/2017 at 8:46 AM, uta said: he was already perm banned and he already resold the account on sythe i doubt he is ever coming back so never felt the need to Expand You don't file a scam report for you, you file it for everyone else and for records purposes. If everyone had your mentality then every banned user can just come back saying there's no scam report or proof of him scamming and he wants an unban. Also, if you ever disappear and he wants to come back then there won't be anything stopping him. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uta Posted May 25, 2017 Share Posted May 25, 2017 On 5/25/2017 at 12:48 PM, RoomScape said: You don't file a scam report for you, you file it for everyone else and for records purposes. If everyone had your mentality then every banned user can just come back saying there's no scam report or proof of him scamming and he wants an unban. Also, if you ever disappear and he wants to come back then there won't be anything stopping him. Expand Only the fact that he scammed several other users rigth Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoomScape Posted May 26, 2017 Author Share Posted May 26, 2017 (edited) On 5/25/2017 at 5:22 PM, uta said: Only the fact that he scammed several other users rigth Expand Doesn't mean much. I've seen people scamquit then try coming back and actually remember one guy getting unbanned because no one filed a scam report. Mods didn't have proof and he was unbanned even though like 6-7 people said he scammed. That's what happens. But do what you want dude. I'm tired of arguing over petty stuff. Edited May 26, 2017 by RoomScape 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacksonpm23 Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 Ah, psychduck...I got scammed with that one and didn't even bother to report it because he had been banned by then Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoomScape Posted July 13, 2017 Author Share Posted July 13, 2017 On 7/12/2017 at 3:20 AM, Jacksonpm23 said: Ah, psychduck...I got scammed with that one and didn't even bother to report it because he had been banned by then Expand That’s a really stupid excuse to not report something. You don’t report something for you but for the community so that everyone can be aware of what’s going on. People who don’t report are just being ignorant and lazy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...