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SOTW Week 2! [Voting]


Which signature is the best?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Which signature is the best?

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Signature Of The Week #2 Voting!


Remember, the theme was: Mythological beasts or creatures.


Basic voting rules:


  • Do not ask for people to vote for you

  • You may vote for yourself, but it's not required.

  • If you say or hint at which one is yours, you will be disqualified for that week and the next week.


If you are at all confused, a full list of the rules can be found here



Note: Voting will end a week from this post. Also the prize will be a custom SOTW usergroup.






1.  dFUdEvZ.png


2.  b6y6yKb.png


3.  3EPOf3r.png


4.  oix73k.gif


5.  phoenix_by_ztrinity-d6nleav.png


Thanks to everyone who has entered and goodluck!


Also great job to @Basic for winning week #1!

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Number 4 looks boss smile.png

Also can we know who won last week?


I've posted it in the voting section for week #!


The winner was @Basic:





Oooh that one was nice. I think I know which one is his this week xD

Edited by Jason
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Number 4 looks boss smile.png

Also can we know who won last week?


I've posted it in the voting section for week #!


The winner was @Basic:




He has no custom user group? ohmy.png fe99c526a3a1da8194c7cfdc4f040a32.png



I'm currently contacting @Raflesia in order to get that to him as soon as possible. Any delay in getting it to him will be compensated.


Goodluck to all the contestants!

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