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Wacky Potato Picker

Wacky Jacky

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Welcome to Wacky Jacky Scripts

~Potato Picker V2~

1. Add script from SDN: (click to add)
2. Select a field: Nearest field is pre-selected
3. Select a bank: Nearest bank is pre-selected
4. Start anywhere in the world

About the script:
(updated 12-dec-2024): I have reworked all the code, I removed all useless feature and laggy paint.
The script will, pick potatoes, at all locations and if your location isn't in the list message me at ones.
Simple paint, if there are huge farmers I can add support for on-graphics DM me.
If you want certain features added, leave a comment ^^

Start anywhere
Save/Load profiles
CLI simple support
Invoke support
Setting fix
Hover next

WIP: random event support
WIP: custom mouse settings


~Setting Fix~
(Recommended for new accounts)

Mute all in game audio

Disable profanity filter

Enable PK skull prevention

Enable shift drop

Enable escape key to close interfaces

Hides all roofs

Disables Accept aid

Disables make-x darts

Disables store button

Disables wiki lookup

Disables activity adviser

Disables accept trade delay

Disables GE buy warning

Disables GE sell warning

Disables World switching confirmation

~Pictures new V2~



~Pictures old V1~
4 days and 46k potatoes later.







~CLI - setup~


Wacky Jacky Presents potato picker!

Follow the setting properly.

Parameters/Arguments: only the saved file name.
So (e.g.) if you have the profiles: last_config.txt and 1.txt, just use the name as parameter so no file extension.


Resulting in:

Please check official CLI tutorial at:

Example for a CMD file:
java -jar "osbot.jar" -login osbotAccountName:osbotPassword -bot osrsNameEmail:osrsPassword:bankPin -debug 5005 -script 1201:last_config

java -jar "osbot.jar" -login osbotAccountName:osbotPassword -bot osrsNameEmail:osrsPassword:bankPin -debug 5005 -script 1201:1

~Bug Report~

What picking location did you select?:
<example north lumbridge>
What banking location did you select?:
<example Draynor>
What happened, keep it short if possible?:
<example status said walking to bank but then just stopped and kissed the wall>
Paste/upload log report URL?:

url here


~Update Log~


V2.02 change log:
- New gui
- New anti ban
- Fully new code
- Lightweight paint
- Hover next potato support
- Prep for random events Q1 2025
- Prep for custom mouse Q1 2025

V1.85 change log:
- Added setting fix
- Added invoke support
- Minor bug fixes

V1.78 → V1.79 change log:
- Added CLI because I got requests for it
- Profit counter, works only with manual input, default set to 40 coins.
- GUI overhaul - more upcoming.
- Rebranding this thread will become "Wacky Produce Picker", thread stays under the same old name until I actually finish adding new items.
- Small mouse graphic changes.

V1.77 → V1.78 change log:
- Key listener fixed, hotkeys now keep working and don't break.
- Small optimizations
- Fixed timer when only up to 24:00:00, now 999:00:00.
- Had a 18k run no ban, I stopped it.

V1.76 → V1.77 change log:
- Added stop amount, leave empty for unlimited potato picking or 0.
- Added screenshots, leave empty for no screenshots, else it takes screens every set amount of potato's (i.e. every 5 potatoes).
Turn off/on with (P), if screenshots is kept empty amount, this feature can't be turned on at all and will keep turning itself off.
This feature also automatically opens paint on a screenshot if hidden, and closes the paint after the screen is taken.

V1.75 → V1.76 change log:
- Added nearest bank selection, bot finds and goes to the nearest bank for you
- Added nearest field selection, bot finds nearest field and goes there (doesn't go to the biggest field, just the nearest).
- For small fields when out of potato's added mouse of screen AFK behavior until the potatoes grow back.

Edited by Wacky Jacky
New Version
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48 minutes ago, Czar said:

Everyone take cover, Wacky Jacky is here to take over <3

also when Wacky AIO Slayer? :doge: 

Haven’t you seen the upload yet? AIO slayer to 99 it also does str/att/def after that it will get TzKal-Zuk for you in WR time, logout and change your password and automatically sell the account. :boge:

Edited by Wacky Jacky
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I was thinking maybe after 15-20 minutes it hops world, integrating functionality from your AIO shopper in order to get fresher potatoes.

Also in the vain of obtaining playtime a "increased profit mode" can be selected and after 3 world hops it sits in a populated world in the GE trying to sell potatoes for 1k each and checks the ge window every 4-5 minutes to see if they've sold for a random 4-8 times.

It then goes to friend's chat and input's a name you've given it (must be online && if total level is below 100) and then messages that name saying "i've been trying to sell the potatoes for 1k for ages and they wont sell" otherwise enters a CC (also name input in GUI IF selected) to type the same thing.

EDIT: It then goes back to picking potatoes.


Edited by TheCongregation
Finishing the loop
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If this is used on a members account and the cooking level is 1 

You would consider integrating a "burn potatoes" function it would need:

1. a method to get to 7 cooking in order to bake potatoes
2. a method to bake potatoes (use potato on a stove)
3. at 25 cooking, you would then chop up any leftover potatoes with bowls of water and make 420 "Incomplete stews" (which, if adding meat later on, will prepare "Uncooked stew" which you would cook until 40 cooking making 3000gp minimum per burnt stew 

This would result in a return of about 100 burnt potatoes and 100 burnt stews about 400k for a 40k investment if you end up burning the stews too (these can be cooked on a fire). 

Perhaps this activates when 800 potatoes are registered in the bank AND cooking level is equal or less than 7. 

When cooking is equal to 25 and less than 40 AND there is not 45kgp in the bank AND there are equal to or more than 450 baked potatoes in the bank then the baked potatoes are sold for 140gp each and the potatoes are sold for 45gp each and the coin will be used to buy 420 cooked meat at 125gp each and 420 bowl of water at 55gp each. 

(some kind of ge check here)

IF the bot has a cooking level of 25 and there are no bowls of water AND the bank has uncooked stew then the bot will cook the stews by the permanent fire at draynor bank or alternatively will hunt for Forester's Campfires in the GE at worlds 301, 308, 302 and whatever other popular worlds until it finds one (and only uses Forester's campfires that are 2 tiles from the bank) and once reaches 40 cooking from burning stews will go back to picking potatoes.  


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