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Stealth injection with new 'client detection'


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1 hour ago, CcozyD said:

has anyone noticed a difference in ban rate from using stealth injection?

i only use fruitynmz usually and not for much time each session so a ban from that is unlikely, just wondering whether the client is picked up when using stealth injection.

any info appreciated. thanks.

Imo stealth is inherently riskier afaik from what I've heard there has been little to no change for people running stealth. Keep in mind most of these people aren't suiciding and have higher level accounts. If it is an account you don't want to lose obviously don't bot it and if you have the $10 per month VIP is nice for mirror mode! :) 

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9 hours ago, CcozyD said:

has anyone noticed a difference in ban rate from using stealth injection?

i only use fruitynmz usually and not for much time each session so a ban from that is unlikely, just wondering whether the client is picked up when using stealth injection.

any info appreciated. thanks.

Use hardware mouse if you're just running 1 account, it will help with bans on injection.
And as far as I am aware no one in the major botting platform has reported any kind of 3rd party client ban like OpenOSRS had.

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