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Idea for testing code?


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I just finshed writing 15000 lines of code that implements every method and class once in the osbot api. I want to make something like "OSRS Script Factory" after Im doing writing my  implementation of scheme in java. Only problems is I have 15000 lines of untested code. Any and all ideas on how to legitment test  every method and class in the api are welcome.

And how much memory is too much memory for one bot? I know it caps out at 4 gp but what is max you would goto.




Edited by Nbacon
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I hope you can understand this below... Ive been told I suck at explain things. so follow up questions if needed.

At the moment im just doing every method 1 at a time and they mostly work on the frist try just need ideas to speed it up. 


How the program works.

So I casted everthing to Object so it can be passed every were and casted back to that object. This is not the best way but it was fastest way implenet the whole api.  So there are 2 ways to test the code call the lamba with java or in scheme.  The lambdas on the java side are stored in a hashmap <int, 3-arg-lamba>  with  1 maped to acceptTrade, 2 maped to ActionFilter, and 3 maped to  add... .

Calling the hashmaps in java.  

  OSBOT.get(idNumber).run(args, interp, this.name)

  • idNumber every method has a number and there are about 1000 of them.
  • args is a linked list [something ]-> [something] -> ...-> [null]
  • interp is my programing language no osbot methods need it. 
  • this.name is the name of the method like EDGEVILLE,equip,open , isopen, caaar, cddddr

Calling the method in scheme and how it will run it in java.  

(equip (getEquipment)  (HEADSLOT) "Rune full helm" )  

what it turns into on the java side.

 OSBOT.get( equip id Number).run(  [(getEquipment) ] -> [(HEADSLOT) ] ->["Rune full helm" ]  ->[null], interp, "equip");

x is the linked list 

first(x) = [(getEquipment) ]   

rest(x)= [(HEADSLOT) ] ->["Rune full helm" ]  ->[null]      [this is a cdr ]

x =rest(x)

now  first(x) =[(HEADSLOT) ]

and second(x) = first(rest(x))=["Rune full helm" ] 

return scemeBot.getEquipment().equip((EquipmentSlot) (HEADSLOT), new String((char[]) ("Rune full helm" )));


examples of scheme code and how it works

  • >(EDGEVILLE)\n returns Banks.EDGEVILLE not matter what is given to it.
  • >EDGEVILLE\n  returns {EDGEVILLE}  this says its a method and should go in ()
  • The line below is example of inside out aways does the inner most right () set and is also infix...  (op0 (op1  arg ... ) (op2  arg1 arg2 ) (op3 arg1))   op3 then op2 then op1  then op0 
  • (EDGEVILLE  (+ 5 2 (* 5 6) ))  turns to (EDGEVILLE  (+ 5 2 30 ))    turns to (EDGEVILLE  (37 ))  and is the same thing as (EDGEVILLE) beucase it takes no arges 
  •  same thing is posible with equip and open bank but in this case they would do something
  • (EDGEVILLE   (open (getBank))   (equip (getEquipment)  (HEADSLOT) "Rune full helm"  ) )  this will put on the rune full helm open the bank then finally Banks.EDGEVILLE 


The lines below will fail cases.  

  • (equip (getEquipment)) returns FALSE
  • (equip (getEquipment) (HEADSLOT) ) returns FALSE
  • (equip "Rune full helm"  (HEADSLOT) ) returns FALSE
  • (equip (HEADSLOT)  ) returns FALSE

The line below will do the same thing [returns true if the bot puts a rune full helm on] the (getEquipment) is not needed.

  • (equip (getEquipment)  (HEADSLOT) "Rune full helm"  )  == (equip (getEquipment)  (HEADSLOT)  1163  ) ==(equip (HEADSLOT) "Rune full helm"  )  == (equip (HEADSLOT)  1163  )
  •  (equip (getEquipment)  9  "equip"  ) ==  (equip  9  "equip"  )   *no idea what that means but what ever (Equips an item in the specified inventory slot with the specified action.)*



So I think there are 4 Types.   

  1. static return / do the same thing no mater the args. examples   getKeyboard(),  getMap().isMinimapLocked(),  getBot().isMirrorMode()
  2. 1 class many methods with diffent args types examples equip,  most RS2Widget methods ... its a long list
  3. muiltple classes all with same method that need casting examples  use , get, getHeight 
  4. muiltple classes all with same static/ do the one thing no mater the args   examples  isopen, close,  getInterfaceChildId



Type 1.

DEF("EDGEVILLE", c, 0, (x, y, z) -> {
	return Banks.EDGEVILLE;

Type 2 can take a class but off of context it not needed. Because there are no other methods called that in any other class.


DEF("equip", c, 1, (x, y, z) -> {
		if (first(x) instanceof Equipment) {
			x = rest(x);
		if (first(x) instanceof EquipmentSlot) {
			if (second(x) instanceof Long || second(x) instanceof Integer) {
				return scemeBot.getEquipment().equip((EquipmentSlot) first(x), Math.toIntExact(num(second(x))));
			if (second(x) instanceof char[]) {
				return scemeBot.getEquipment().equip((EquipmentSlot) first(x), new String((char[]) second(x)));
		if (first(x) instanceof Long || first(x) instanceof Integer) {
			if (second(x) instanceof char[]) {
				return scemeBot.getEquipment().equip(Math.toIntExact(num(first(x))), new String((char[]) second(x)));
	return FALSE;


Type 3 need to cast to get make object usable with method type



	DEF("exists", c, 1, (x, y, z) -> {

            if (first(x) instanceof Entity) {
                return ((Entity) first(x)).exists();


            if (first(x) instanceof GroundDecoration) {
                return ((GroundDecoration) first(x)).exists();

            if (first(x) instanceof GroundItem) {
                return ((GroundItem) first(x)).exists();


            if (first(x) instanceof InteractableObject) {
                return ((InteractableObject) first(x)).exists();

            if (first(x) instanceof org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character) {
                return ((org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character) first(x)).exists();

            if (first(x) instanceof WallDecoration) {
                return ((WallDecoration) first(x)).exists();

            if (first(x) instanceof WallObject) {
                return ((WallObject) first(x)).exists();


            return FALSE;


Type 4 alot of method with the same name but no need to cast.


DEF("open", c, 0, n, (x, y, z) -> {

            if (first(x) instanceof Bank) {
                try {
                    return ((Bank) first(x)).open();
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            if (first(x) instanceof DepositBox) {
                return ((DepositBox) first(x)).open();

            if (first(x) instanceof LogoutTab) {
                return ((LogoutTab) first(x)).open();

            if (first(x) instanceof Magic) {
                return ((Magic) first(x)).open();

            if (first(x) instanceof Prayer) {
                return ((Prayer) first(x)).open();

            if (first(x) instanceof Settings) {
                return ((Settings) first(x)).open();

            if (first(x) instanceof Skills) {
                return ((Skills) first(x)).open();

            if (first(x) instanceof Tabs) {
                if (second(x) instanceof Tab) {

                    if (third(x) instanceof Boolean) {

                        return ((Tabs) first(x)).open((Tab) second(x), (Boolean) third(x));
                    return ((Tabs) first(x)).open((Tab) second(x));


            return null;








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1 hour ago, Juggles said:

I don't see the point of what you did? You just copy and pasted the API into your IDE? 

Well the main goal is run-time scripts. Then after I get it debugged this nightmare. Ill slap a gui on and make it look like scatch just for the memes. I do have some methods 100% working and this code below makes uncharged orbs.


(define makepart
  (lambda ()
      ((makeall?)(makeall 7))
      ((not (use? 1785) )(interact 1785))
      (else (interact 567)))))
(define bankpart
  (lambda ()
    (if(not (bankopen?))
       (and (getitem? 1785 1)(getitem 567 "all") )

(define loop
  (lambda ()
    (if (not (invhas? 567 ))



Edited by Nbacon
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