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Thoughts? 9 Accounts banned, no botting......


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Starting testing out some stuff last weekend so very new to the scene, 


Had  4 accounts banned(during the weekend?) both botted and legit play, saw it coming, 3 were on one ip, and one on another ip,still two accounts on this ip not banned during the weekend, but were banned on Monday. All in all was a little surprised on the weekend banned (didn't bot more than 4 hours total break in between every 30 minutes, but it was a free script and wcing.,.....) but it was testing so didnt bother me.

Now here is where im confused, I started setting up a series of accounts on different ips, 3-4 each, credentials different, made at different times from each other(not one right after another on the same ip) no interaction between each one, all legit play( the only script ever run was to initiate the script to auto type credentials). Total play time average of 9 hours per accounts, all did have similar stats but nothing was to prescriptive except each had between 30-40  wcing, multiple quests done( some accounts didn't get to this step yet). Now this morning I got to log on, and everyone account has been disabled (all macroing major).


So with that being said, thoughts if they were banned because of client? running script at start for credentials? similar build of accounts created within days of each other? Multiple of the same accounts of the same ip logged in at once?


I'm going to starts two other farms today, one where the accounts just complete tutorial island and sit for a week, with only a few hours played, and the next played more varied then the last banned ones but also one one ip at a time......

Great to know others feedback, ideas and what they have been trying, or is it all a waste to start new accounts and just buy them......



P.s goal for these accounts were to hit time played, make money from the afk wcing oaks, sell at the end of the time, make money for a few accounts for a bond and then slowly make the others mems and go from there.

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25 minutes ago, Rick said:

are they f2p accounts? jagex is known for perm banning new f2p accounts which they get boting due to gold farming.

Yes all f2p, but the 9 accounts banned last night are not boted. ( i could see the correlation between the accounts on the same ip being similar in state and only after a few days of game time and relating that to gold farming, but still no actual boting)

11 minutes ago, Kramnik said:

So you did everything by hand from tutorial island?

Tutorial island everything was by hand, but keep in mind i was playing 9 accounts at once( 6 wcing, the other 3 doing random non afk stuff), so the ips were on at the same time, proxies are from blazing proxies, not sure if that a bad spot? im going to reset the ips since all mine have now been used up and see if that was an issue.

Edited by kylebu
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9 accounts banned-no botting 

"Had  4 accounts banned(during the weekend?) both botted and legit play"

f2p has a ban rate even if you arent botting, this increases if you have multiple accounts on same ip. Probably increases more when you do things like wc on f2p due to all the bots around. You get thrown in with the rest.

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7 minutes ago, h0nestbot said:

9 accounts banned-no botting 

"Had  4 accounts banned(during the weekend?) both botted and legit play"

f2p has a ban rate even if you arent botting, this increases if you have multiple accounts on same ip. Probably increases more when you do things like wc on f2p due to all the bots around. You get thrown in with the rest.

I guess that was confusing sorry, had 4 accounts banned(not included in the 9) those were tests to see what would happen. Another note, i only played the accounts in not boted areas,(or what i assume would be understood as boted areas).


But this also doesn't make sense, i agree, that having multiple accounts doing similar things but raise eyes and will get boted, but how do they detect that...... purely on pattern? they were not boted and no association with the other bots....all registered with the ip they were played on....


7 minutes ago, Somebody said:

probably bad proxies

Is it worth buying residential proxies ip? or is this a sham, i might buy 5 and test in comparison with theses new 5

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13 minutes ago, kylebu said:

But this also doesn't make sense, i agree, that having multiple accounts doing similar things but raise eyes and will get boted, but how do they detect that...... purely on pattern? they were not boted and no association with the other bots....all registered with the ip they were played on....

From what I can tell with experience- most bans come from players hitting that report button OR simple negligence on the botter's part. "Negligence" being bad ips, script errors, botting during jagex hours, botting with multiple accounts on the same ip, botting too much, using free scripts, having bad account names. 

If it seems like it could help you to not be banned its almost like 80% certain that it will HELP. However the %chance margin may not be that high & it may not be worth it to go through the extra precaution to ensure your accounts don't get banned. I'll give you a tip though, botted f2p accounts are very likely to be banned. Even if you're playing legitly at willows on 3 different accounts & 3 different worlds but on the same ip-you might get banned.  People toss around reports like its a hobby, bots plague the game. All the "security system" knows is that some player thinks you're a bot. It probably checks to see what you're doing.. ok this guy is on 3 different accounts at once-instant ban.

Edited by h0nestbot
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18 minutes ago, shreder said:

Same ip, got manually reported/banned, same pc (yes they can check your system thats a no brainer), auto login and probably tons of other variables..

No i understand that.....but they were not botted, and not sure how they could see system info....... thats not being broadcasted at least that I'm aware of....


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9 hours ago, kylebu said:

No i understand that.....but they were not botted, and not sure how they could see system info....... thats not being broadcasted at least that I'm aware of....


Jagex will ban for "botting" if you're not botting. Just do something that makes money in F2P = ban. Especially on new accounts. Especially for commonly botted tasks (filling water jugs, etc).

If you want to play F2P, play like a person would play. Start the game, wander around like you have no idea what you're doing most of the time. If you do anything that makes money, do extremely very little of it, especially until your account is older. Processing items near bank is probably less ban prone than collecting resources in the world. Flipping items is a good way to make money in F2P without getting banned, since it's hard to bot that successfully I doubt it's botted much.


8 hours ago, shreder said:

How couldn't they see system info? You're running their software on your computer.

Depends what the java client is able to collect. If java has access to the info, Jagex can write software to collect that info. If their software already does or not is another question.

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5 hours ago, Gabriel Ramuglia said:

Jagex will ban for "botting" if you're not botting. Just do something that makes money in F2P = ban. Especially on new accounts. Especially for commonly botted tasks (filling water jugs, etc).

If you want to play F2P, play like a person would play. Start the game, wander around like you have no idea what you're doing most of the time. If you do anything that makes money, do extremely very little of it, especially until your account is older. Processing items near bank is probably less ban prone than collecting resources in the world. Flipping items is a good way to make money in F2P without getting banned, since it's hard to bot that successfully I doubt it's botted much.


Depends what the java client is able to collect. If java has access to the info, Jagex can write software to collect that info. If their software already does or not is another question.

I expected as much, going to leave these new accounts doing very little over the first week. 

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