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Everything posted by shreder

  1. shoot me a PM with the discord, am goldfarmer have a lot of input
  2. just play legit you wont get banned
  3. This is the same experience for most botters coming in. Just bot for fun my friend 1 hr a day on 1 account.
  4. This is a great script! Great money to be made!
  5. How do you know your email wasn't compromised?
  6. Not 5% anymore, more like 80% now.
  7. use the same ip on the creation of the acc
  8. There are two completely different tutorial islands.
  9. Wasting time that could be used on botting
  10. Only way is to hire someone to write you a script built with machine learning and train it with data.
  11. Leave it to the heavy hitters
  12. You get banned regardless anyways, time and energy better spent else where pal. Delayed bans are named delayed bans for reason you dont know when they flagged you. Too many unknown variables pc, ip, proxy, mouse movement, client, time, jmod is on his period, and 1000x other variables.
  13. pal this was made in 2013.
  14. Honestly making a account creator would be more challenging especially if you're just starting off. Maybe check the pinned threads for more beginner resources.
  15. thank god for the too many attempt login handler
  16. shreder

    rich boi

    100k a year slap
  17. How couldn't they see system info? You're running their software on your computer.
  18. Same ip, got manually reported/banned, same pc (yes they can check your system thats a no brainer), auto login and probably tons of other variables..
  19. shreder

    Stealth Quester

    I see and I understand how about this maybe add a check if inventory is out of money and there are pending buys to collect?
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