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How To Use:

  1. Add the script through the SDN
  2. Start the script, than select type of wood and location with the GUI
  3. The script will than get all the required items from the bank.


  • GUI
  • Paint (Toggle By Clicking on the ChatBox Area)
  • Supports most wood.
  • Supports multiple locations
  • Will hop worlds if no fire paths are available.
  • Stop Conditions

Planned Features/Changes:

  • Improve Performance.
  • Add more locations.
  • Remake GUI. - Finished

Bug Report Form:

  1. Description of bug:
  2. Is it easily reproducible?:
  3. If Yes, list the steps to do so:
  4. If Mirror Mode, what is your reaction time set to?:
  5. Current Status Message:
  6. Debug Messages in console:



[v1.5] Rewrote the way paths were calculated.

[v1.35] New GUI & Added Stop Conditions

[v1.1] Misc Bug Fixes.

[v1.0] Initial Release.





Edited by BravoTaco
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  • Token changed the title to Pyro

@BravoTaco, this is a solid script! Tested it out this evening and it ran very smooth at GE for the ~30 minutes I ran it. You might want to darken the overlay a bit to hide the game chat and username a bit better ;). A few things I would recommend adjusting for the GE space..

The FM path is pretty far from the the bank, and I think a closer path on the other side of the pillars would be better. The script goes pretty far away from the bank and you don't see many people go that far out to FM. Also, the script moves to the exact start tiles via the mini-map every time and the two tiles used were always the same which could cause a troublesome pattern. May be beneficial to look into incorporating some sort of randomization on the starter tile to break the patterns.

Also, the script doesn't seem to find logs in different tabs. If anyone is having trouble running this, make sure to have your logs in the main tab in view, especially if using breaks.



Edited by Slight Truth
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2 hours ago, Slight Truth said:

@BravoTaco, this is a solid script! Tested it out this evening and it ran very smooth at GE for the ~30 minutes I ran it. You might want to darken the overlay a bit to hide the game chat and username a bit better ;). A few things I would recommend adjusting for the GE space..

The FM path is pretty far from the the bank, and I think a closer path on the other side of the pillars would be better. The script goes pretty far away from the bank and you don't see many people go that far out to FM. Also, the script moves to the exact start tiles via the mini-map every time and the two tiles used were always the same which could cause a troublesome pattern. May be beneficial to look into incorporating some sort of randomization on the starter tile to break the patterns.

Also, the script doesn't seem to find logs in different tabs. If anyone is having trouble running this, make sure to have your logs in the main tab in view, especially if using breaks.



Thanks for the feedback.

For the GE Location I will change the location to the south of the GE, and while doing that I will rewrite how the pathing is calculated by using a random position in the area that is defined as the starting area. Might take a few days though, been pretty busy with work lately.

For the background on the paint I can add an opacity button or hotkey to switch between different levels of opacity. In intervals of 25% maybe? Should be pretty easy to add. Probably have it done by tomorrow.


Finished the toggle for the opacity amount. HotKey is Control

The script should be updated soon.

Edited by BravoTaco
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  • 1 month later...

Pretty good, lit one log at Fally East, then dropped a log, and walked back to the starter tile.


I think it lit one log, moved to the next tile, started lighting a log, then walked back to the first tile and froze.


Yeah, it lights one log, moves to new tile, then wallks back to first tile (standing on fire) and freezes.


Edited by z10n
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7 hours ago, z10n said:

Pretty good, lit one log at Fally East, then dropped a log, and walked back to the starter tile.


I think it lit one log, moved to the next tile, started lighting a log, then walked back to the first tile and froze.


Yeah, it lights one log, moves to new tile, then wallks back to first tile (standing on fire) and freezes.


Interesting. Are you able to give me what is printed in the console if there is anything? Will test that location now.

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3 hours ago, z10n said:

Happened at GE and Fally Easy. Lights one log, char moves to new tile, then bot lights second log, right after starting the lighting of the second log, moves back to first fire tile.


Using Logs GE and Logs FallyEast for settings, Injection.

Have tested for about an hour on two seperate accounts, one at fally, and the other at the GE, and have not been able to reproduce this. Could you copy paste the contents from the logger for me. Go To Settings in the top right -> Toggle Logger

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