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Khal Undead Druids


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@Just Discipline

I tested out and you can bot it with 50 range and 37 prayer for magic protection. The xp/hour is about 30k and gp/h is around 200k, tough i assume it will be a lot better at a higher lvl range. Here is a 2h proggy from last night. The script work well and @Khaleesi is updating it anytime it needs. I only had the trial for it but i will definetly buy the script soon. Nice job!

For the loot copy paste the list below in your"MyLootList" located in "C:\Users\HERE YOU PUT YOUR PC'S USERNAME\OSBot\Data\prekhal\undead druids"


Air battlestaff
Earth battlestaff
Mud rune
Cosmic rune
Nature rune
Law rune
Death rune
Blood rune
Grimy ranarr weed
Snape grass seed
Ranarr seed
Toadflax seed
Avantoe seed
Snapdragon seed
Cadantine seed
Lantadyme seed
Torstol seed
Dwarf weed seed
Wine of zamorak
Mask of ranul
Uncut sapphire
Loop half of key
Tooth half of key
Rune spear
Shield left half
Dragon spear
Tattered moon page
Tattered sun page
Tattered temple page
Grubby key
Clue scroll (hard)
Zombie champion scroll
Potato cactus
Chaos rune
White berries
Uncut diamond


2h khal.png

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14 hours ago, Just Discipline said:

Okay, can I get that trial updated Khal? Thanks.

Going to test out on fresh account with min. requirements to show how it goes. 

Should I leave loot all items or?

Activated trial

Script updated to V1.03:
- Updated Teleporting method
- Fixed a bug with getting stuck
- Added failsafe when people die so the script stops instead of waiting in lumy/fally

Should be online very soon!

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1 hour ago, mcfinkleton said:

Can I get a Trial please-- also is there any chance we can get a different means of teleporting there such as house teleport.  As an Ironman, skill necklaces are harder to get and these druids drop great supplies for us.

Do you mean the teleport to house when your POH is located in Hosidius here: 


And then walk to the dungeon?


Edited by Precise
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1 hour ago, mcfinkleton said:

Can I get a Trial please-- also is there any chance we can get a different means of teleporting there such as house teleport.  As an Ironman, skill necklaces are harder to get and these druids drop great supplies for us.

we could also use xeraths talisman if that is any better for you 😉

Activated your trial, will have to wait for client to be online and also wait for V1.03

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Script updated to V1.04:
- Added House teleport (Runes)
- Added House teleport (Tab)
- Updated Bank teleportation to be more reliable when in combat

3 hours ago, mcfinkleton said:

That is what I was thinking, I suppose xeraths talisman would work well too

Might add Xerics later on if really needed.

2 hours ago, DwaynT95 said:

Can I have a trail? :D


Enjoy your trial, wait until V1.04 is live please :)

5 hours ago, mcfinkleton said:

Can I get a Trial please-- also is there any chance we can get a different means of teleporting there such as house teleport.  As an Ironman, skill necklaces are harder to get and these druids drop great supplies for us.

Added the trial aswell, please wait for V1.04 for house teleport

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