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Why are some people on here absolute c*nts


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As you know my very good friend @Dbuffed and myself are saddened by all these people acting like this. We talk about it all the time when we are on skype just talking about life.  I really want this to get better, but people are so desperate for attention and money. 

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9 minutes ago, Dbuffed said:

Me and you have a very similar mindset and we both want the same outcome as always.

This is why I love being a part of this community, this website and it's people. Much love to you as well my brother, hope all is well.

<3 I concur with the aforementioned mindset.

7 minutes ago, Maldesto said:


<3 o__o But will Maldesto return the love to me :wub:

OFC not because I am me and Debuffed is not me... :facep::cry:

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28 minutes ago, Maldesto said:

As you know my very good friend @Dbuffed and myself are saddened by all these people acting like this. We talk about it all the time when we are on skype just talking about life.  I really want this to get better, but people are so desperate for attention and money. 

Standard. It's pretty much impossible to keep people like this off. Many of them aren't scammers, and don't break rules; but just go out of their way to make things as inconvenient for others as possible just out of spite and probably their human nature.

Shame these idiots can't just be banned, but then again where would the line be drawn.


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3 minutes ago, Dbuffed said:

Me and Mald have a very close relationship, and we know a lot about each other so what can I say lol.

We both know what's best for the website, and we are also as I say close friends so it's always nice to be able to support each other and chat in any way we can when we find time :)

I get that completely. And I'm glad y'all are close friends. and I'm glad that there are others that want the community to be a good environment. :wub:

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1 minute ago, Dbuffed said:

Just shows you why OSbot's stuff is bettter ?

I do agree that out of some of the other online communities, Osbot is much better and albeit strange sounding more tight knit then the other communities out there. The personalities on here can get toxic yes, but there are also so many people here that do want to foster a good community. One that refrains from scamming, lying, and stealing from others.

And even though it is the Staff at Osbot that help foster and moderate that climate, every single member is also responsible for this happening over time aswell. :)

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3 hours ago, Knuckolls said:

I do agree that out of some of the other online communities, Osbot is much better and albeit strange sounding more tight knit then the other communities out there. The personalities on here can get toxic yes, but there are also so many people here that do want to foster a good community. One that refrains from scamming, lying, and stealing from others.

And even though it is the Staff at Osbot that help foster and moderate that climate, every single member is also responsible for this happening over time aswell. :)

That's a pretty valid statement. I actually became more interested in this forum after watching that youtube video by crumb which featured Dbuffed, and I was like wait isn't that guy on the OSBot forum?

Goes to show that while this forum is also just another botting forum, it's got a little more substance than some of the other ones out there. In fact, when I was banned over a month ago - I checked out all of the other forums out there - poopbot, Advertising other bots isn&#39;t allowed., p****bot, *****, and found that none of their scripts were up to par (nothing on the same level as fruity zulrah, and no such thing as stealth quester), and most of them did not offer proxy capabilities or even the ability to run bots for more than a few hours at a time without paying.

For a community dedicated to cheating in an online MMORPG, I'd say this one takes the cake ;)

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I haven't experienced too many people like this on here but there are some. Honestly us private scripters all have a group chat and get along. Even though we're in competition for scripts, we don't fight over them and actually help each other. I hope the same can be said for other services like questing/skilling.

I also have a chat with other gold farmers and most are friendly and willing to help. Of course you have some that want to keep all the secrets to themselves and throw everyone else off track. But that happens with everything in life. Gunners as you call them 

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21 minutes ago, Juggles said:

I haven't experienced too many people like this on here but there are some. Honestly us private scripters all have a group chat and get along. Even though we're in competition for scripts, we don't fight over them and actually help each other. I hope the same can be said for other services like questing/skilling.

I also have a chat with other gold farmers and most are friendly and willing to help. Of course you have some that want to keep all the secrets to themselves and throw everyone else off track. But that happens with everything in life. Gunners as you call them 

Piggybacking on what @Juggles has mentioned because I feel he has some very solid points, I also haven't experienced much toxicity during my short time here at OSBot. I may not have a group chat like him but throughout my time here, I quickly learned that nothing would be spoonfed to me and if I wanted to improve my knowledge I had to put some effort into things myself.

I see what you mean about the toxicity though, when I browse through threads I most definetly see other people expressing their hostilities towards each other as low-key as possible but honestly the way I see it, if you do your thing and do it right without provoking others intentionally you should be fine. When I need help with things such as gold farming (because I am by no means a professional like juggles and other big names out there) I make sure to provide evidence and a list of information that I do gather to the person I am asking so that they SEE I am putting in effort but I am just stuck on something. 

Just like juggles as mentioned as well, some people have tried to throw me off track and as a result I just stopped communicating with them because if it happens ones it will most likely happen again. All in all I personally feel like you should just do you. People with all sorts of intentions, good and bad, will cross paths with you and especially with this being the type of forums this is... unfortunately there will be a lot of bad apples. But the same can be said with great people! Just keep on trucking my man and you'll get over the shitty people :)

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Sometimes when I browse threads I can smell the low-key hate but tbf this is still the most friendly botting forum. However the reactions and chats I have had on here were always very friendly, especially with the older members.  Sometimes it’s just hard to see who’s on the other side of the computer which makes it easier to be toxic towards eachother I guess. 

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7 hours ago, bankerkrak said:

Sometimes when I browse threads I can smell the low-key hate but tbf this is still the most friendly botting forum. However the reactions and chats I have had on here were always very friendly, especially with the older members.  Sometimes it’s just hard to see who’s on the other side of the computer which makes it easier to be toxic towards eachother I guess. 

I've come to see that this forum is actually very supportive, sure there's low-key hate here and there, but for most of the members here the environment is a positive one. Most of the time there's any hate or "c*ntiness" it's coming from people who are trying to scam others, scam quit, etc.

Plus some of us run little side business's here, if we are arseholes to potential clients we will never get any work ^__^

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