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SpaceCats' Crab Killer | All food | All Crabs (Rock/Sand/Ammonite) | All spots | Banking | GUI | Paint


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Due to the absence of a good free (sand)crab killer, I decided to make my own to train my pure. I used it from 50 attack to 75 attack on my SotD pure, and it seems to work well, although I'm up for changes based on feedback, if you guys have any. I've taken note how I use sandcrabs when I play normally, and translated that into code as best as I could.


It does:

- AFK at any location (you can set this in the GUI, and paint will reflect the spot)

- Bank at any location (Similar to location selection)

- Eat whatever you want it to (set it in GUI)

- Eat at human-like intervals (sometimes at 70%, sometimes at 20% etc, but always up to 90-100%)

- Have human-like waiting patterns. Sometimes it quickly reacts to losing aggro, sometimes it'll sit there for a minute (just like a human would)

- Reset to any location (set in GUI, paint will reflect the spot)

- Show XP/h and total gained for whatever combat skill you use

- Work for sand-/rock-/ammonite crabs, as the user can set any location they want


It doesn't:

- Use pots

- Drink wines 

- Hop if someone crashes you

- Loot 


It might with next update (Probably not anytime soon...Account got banned (not from this script though) and now I have very little motivation to update this) 

- Loot fossils

- Accept wine as a food

- Add better resetting mechanics

- Add some normal (Gaussian) distributed input to avoid log-outs



Version 1.0

Now supports banking!

User can now input when they want to eat

Fixed error script not properly eating 


The things it does not do can potentially be added. Just let me know how it performs :) 

The script can sometimes idle for a few minutes! This is by design, as to mimic a human player doing sandcrabs. the paint will indicate how long it will stand around for, before resetting (this is different each time!)

CatsSandCrabber V1.0.jarFetching info...

Maybe give this a like so I know people actually use it!

Edited by spacecats
Updated that I will probably not update the script anymore
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  On 6/13/2018 at 3:24 AM, 01053 said:

Code looks clean well done.

Only thing I'd suggest is using Conditional sleeps.


Ah, yes I'll look into that when I have some time to spare, thanks for the feedback! 
Besides that, what's the verdict people? Does it function as expected? Any weird behaviour?

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  On 6/14/2018 at 2:05 AM, Pennystalker said:

Mine wasn't resetting crabs


Hmn, and you did set the reset location using the GUI buttons? If the state is displays is stuck on "waiting" instead of "resetting", this means it is actually counting down to when it will reset. This number is random each time, to mimic human behaviour (you wouldn't immediately look on your screen the second the crabs deaggro, and reset them, would you?). This delay can last anywhere from near-instantaneous to a few minutes. I think this might be what you have encountered. If you (or other people) encounter the same issue, let me know!


  On 6/14/2018 at 12:54 PM, CPRulez said:

I would personally look at adding banking due to me using sandcrabs until NMZ stats (like 1-60 att and str) and at those lvls it would most likely need to bank. Other than that it looks really nice.


Thanks! And yes, I'll look at banking in the future, whenever I have some time to spare. (might be a week or three). In the meantime: use high healing food (I lasted 1-2 hours on my 1 defence pure, using monkfish. Sharks would be even better. Or get a spot on the mainland with 2 crabs instead of 3-4). I honestly wouldn't recommend leaving this script unattended for long periods of time, like overnight, I have done zero testing when it comes to long term stability. 

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  On 6/14/2018 at 3:53 PM, spacecats said:

Hmn, and you did set the reset location using the GUI buttons? If the state is displays is stuck on "waiting" instead of "resetting", this means it is actually counting down to when it will reset. This number is random each time, to mimic human behaviour (you wouldn't immediately look on your screen the second the crabs deaggro, and reset them, would you?). This delay can last anywhere from near-instantaneous to a few minutes. I think this might be what you have encountered. If you (or other people) encounter the same issue, let me know!


Thanks! And yes, I'll look at banking in the future, whenever I have some time to spare. (might be a week or three). In the meantime: use high healing food (I lasted 1-2 hours on my 1 defence pure, using monkfish. Sharks would be even better. Or get a spot on the mainland with 2 crabs instead of 3-4). I honestly wouldn't recommend leaving this script unattended for long periods of time, like overnight, I have done zero testing when it comes to long term stability. 


Thanks for the tip, I’ll let you know when I’m able to test it more.

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