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How to Prolong Your bot Accounts Life!

Not Happy

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Ok so ive farmed for atleast a year silently but now im done with it so i wanted to build up an account with botting for shitty skills i dont wanna do but need to have - agility basically, this is basic knowledge that most people know , but for those who dont hopefully it can help u with your future account, YOU ARE AT RISK NO MATTER WHAT U DO IF YOU BOT 


For anyone who taking a risk to bot an account to become a main or skiller etc these are my tips to help you survive long enough , just dont go to long!


1. i Cant stress this enough, Everytime uve botted and went to bed or out and come back to your computer ALWAYS RESET YOUR OS CLIENT , you will never know when an update comes out for runescape and your bot has to update , and u will get tracked faster if your bot is not up to date!

2. ALWAYS USE BREAKS! OSrs is a time dependent game and youre not gunna get anywhere botting fishing for 19 hours straight thinking it will be ok , bot max 8-12 hours with 30 min breaks or something just keep it randomized dont copy what i said , its different for everyone

3. DO SOME QUESTS BY HANDS! You wont get picked up so fast, and like i said b4 u need to look more life like! i cant find 1 person in my 10 years of runescape that will tell me they like quests but it pro longs the life of the account based apon difficulty , so dont do 7 qp do like 40 qp ! 

4. RANDOMIZE YOUR SKILLS! Do NOT train one skill forever bounce around every 7 hours to different skills, things thatll be beneficial to your account in the long run aka agility 

5. PREMIUM SCRIPTS/ MIRROR MODE Personally im not advertising anything that osbot offers BUT os bot has the greatest scripters community staff and feedback! i WOULD NEVER use another bot because these people know what theyre doing , do not be cheap and use sdn scripts that are free , if u want a lower chance of a ban rate USE PREMIUM SCRIPTS and or MIRROR MODE its ironic cause im not vip, but thatll be changing soon!

6. DO NOT SHARE ANY INFO WITH ANYONE EVEN IF THEY'RE YOUR FRIEND Regardless of anything u can tell me everyones a player hater and if u say your operation they will try to ruin it or replicate it , because ur doing good and if u can do it someone else can do it !

7. PROXIES AND MULTI LOGGING Logically you cant do so many actions with two accounts logged in same ip skilling etc . if jagex looks at u , they will be like how is he doing all this at once, find a trusted seller on forum and get a couple use one ip per account THIS IS ONLY IF U ARE TRYING TO MAKE IT OUT WITH THE ACCOUNT NOT FARMING !


These are my tips to get you some good stats and hopefully live along time with your future accounts if you read all of this , thank you! trying to help the community and put my name out there! and replys or add ons that you think would be valued here ill edit This ? Good Luck to all!


The Irony i just logged in and https://gyazo.com/e21c646163b367ea2f256faada6131a5 

Edited by Not Happy
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Thanks for the info. Some of this has been said before and again over and over by people in the past. BUT its still great to see this always re-popping up to help out others, Your input is welcome.



  On 8/14/2018 at 9:04 AM, Nuckolls said:

Thanks for the info. Some of this has been said before and again over and over by people in the past. BUT its still great to see this always re-popping up to help out others, Your input is welcome.




oh fucking R.I.P his account has been suspended :facep:

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