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7 minutes ago, beatsrpz said:

If I were to do:


if I was halfway across the map, would my character still walk there? if not, would there be a way for my character to reach there, or will I have to hardcode a path?

The #walk function uses local walking, which involves the current loaded region.

If you’d want to walk from anywhere on the map, OSBot provides a web of walking links which can be used with a web walker. To use this, use #webWalk.

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Alternatively, you could also walk using walkPath. It's a bit more lightweight than web walking - it may be suit your needs better.

Good situation to use web walking: You have an AIO script that goes between some resource and an arbitrary bank.
Good situation to use walkPath: You are walking between two or three places, all of which are medium distance (say Port Sarim -> Draynor -> Wizard's Tower)

Here's a good tool you can used made by @Explv


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