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How has botting gone for you guys?


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24 minutes ago, solace fury said:

Haven't made as much as I've spent because life gets in the way and I struggle to pick a goal and stick to it, but it's not going too badly. Trying to get away from goldfarming and more on botting an account to decent stats

Focus on a daily goal of a set amount. When you reach it consistently, increase the daily goal marginally. That's how you scale properly :)

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16 minutes ago, DeadPk3r said:

Botting for me has been going very well, i have been botting around 4-12 accounts a day (4-6 hours a day) and none have been banned knock on wood.

Well that is good news :D hopefully you don’t get banned anytime soon

14 minutes ago, Shizzle said:

I only bot one account right now, as a test, while getting back into it.

Just hit 98 FM on it. Almost 800 TOT so far.

I've been working on it for like a week now.

Oh yeah that is what I’m doing right now too


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1 hour ago, jesenican said:

terrible lost 2k total main,but i love botting.

What did you bot? 

I have an almost 2k total that I also stopped botting on (and playing) because I was afraid that the same thing will happen to mine. I have my zulrah accounts to fund for new mains. I make new accounts and just nmz them, going for max melee before moving on to something else. Just had 2 accounts banned during holiday, that was 99/99/85 and 97/97/70. Still have one left with 97/97/70

Edited by jens4626
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