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Christmas Discount!


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On 12/24/2017 at 12:52 PM, RoomScape said:

You know, christmas isn't actually Jesus Christ's birthday and actually started around 1500's or so in Germany and got big when Queen Elizabeth adopted the tradition. Back then, it was just to wish people good life in the new years. Now, it's turned into a major retail holiday and the celebration of Jesus Christ's birthday (but more so of the retail shopping).

You know, no one thinks it's literally the date of Jesus' birth and that's it's a feast day in honor of his birth? 

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On 12/24/2017 at 1:02 PM, El Dingus said:

Not to be that guy, but it started in 500-350 BC by the ancient Romans, and it was called Saturnalia

The only guy you're being is an historically inaccurate guy . .but no. Are you talking about some of the pagan traditions that were adopted by the Church? Those are secular traditions, no Christian worships a tree dude. Context my man. Btw, those didn't originate 'by the Ancient Romans' -- like everything else in Rome, it was adopted from several other groups. From the 4th century AD, all the way up until the high middle ages, pagan traditions were adopted in a secular (I know that's a funny word to use concerning a religion, but you should know what I mean)  fashion in order to fit in and bring in local pagans. Literally has nothing to do with the spiritual/religious meaning of the Holiday. 

Just now, RoomScape said:

I talk to a lot of no one’s, then. 

That's...rather sad. o_o
I mean damn, I live in the South and even the hardcore rednecks aren't even that dumb. 
Edit: Btw I think the most accurate (although it's a guesstimate that not all academia agrees on duh) is sometime in mid-September. 

Edited by Jacksonpm23
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