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No luck thus far - Resumed botting 11/9/2017


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Hey all,

Just posting here to see if I'm doing something wrong fundamentally. I've gone through 6 accounts on 4 different IP's, all with bans within 24h. Some were older accounts (Still used a login name), some were more recent, but still created months ago. 1 was fresh. All hand tut'd. 3 used a 7qp script. ALL BOTTED FOR 8hr or LESS, breaks at 4hr if they botted more than 4. Other than the 7qp script I've only used the free power chopper scripts here. And then one I whipped up yesterday that does the basic chop,drop loop with a 1-5second delay. (I ran the private one in obscure and far out locations).

I have rotated through the various free cutters here, then finally broke down and got out the ole intellij and whipped up my own simple power cutter. I'm just not having any luck though. Am I missing something basic? I see people botting up zulah accounts and keeping accounts alive. I've attempted to be very conservative with the botting efforts thus far, but so far no luck. Maybe my IP's are all flagged? Maybe all the accounts were flagged from previous use and they got botwatched as soon as they logged? Scripts suck? Powercutting unbottable? Ideas? Thanks for your input.


Injected client ofc.

Edited by avid
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  On 11/16/2017 at 8:06 PM, avid said:

Hey all,

Just posting here to see if I'm doing something wrong fundamentally. I've gone through 6 accounts on 4 different IP's, all with bans within 24h. Some were older accounts (Still used a login name), some were more recent, but still created months ago. 1 was fresh. All hand tut'd. 3 used a 7qp script. ALL BOTTED FOR 8hr or LESS, breaks at 4hr if they botted more than 4. Other than the 7qp script I've only used the free power chopper scripts here. And then one I whipped up yesterday that does the basic chop,drop loop with a 1-5second delay. 

I have rotated through the various free cutters here, then finally broke down and got out the ole intellij and whipped up my own simple power cutter. I'm just not having any luck though. Am I missing something basic? I see people botting up zulah accounts and keeping accounts alive. I've attempted to be very conservative with the botting efforts thus far, but so far no luck. Maybe my IP's are all flagged? Maybe all the accounts were flagged from previous use and they got botwatched as soon as they logged? Scripts suck? Powercutting unbottable? Ideas? Thanks for your input.


if you were using a diffrent IP to bot on you can try and unban the accs here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new?ticket_form_id=177105

let the accounts rest and dont bot f2p if you dont want bans LMFAO especially wc


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  On 11/16/2017 at 8:12 PM, gearing said:

if you were using a diffrent IP to bot on you can try and unban the accs here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new?ticket_form_id=177105

let the accounts rest and dont bot f2p if you dont want bans LMFAO especially wc



Not too worried at this point, they were all 300ish random skillers I had sitting around. Really, is it that IMPOSSIBLE to bot WC? Some people scream tin hat when people bring up the idea of antiban or pattern aversion, but do they really bot watch every single WC? I find that hard to believe, as I play on a main now that I botted on non-stop < a year ago... I don't want to believe :(

  On 11/16/2017 at 8:14 PM, bkg said:

Are you looking to solely suicide bot or are you attempting to make a main? I haven't had any real issues with bans but all my methods for gold farming start off with a tone of combat which i've found to have an extremely low ban rate compared to popular bot skills.


A little of both. I agree, I've had success in the past with leveling combat outside the popular areas, then skilling on those same characters. I've also had luck in the past straight skilling for <2hr per account per day. Maybe that's a thing of the past? For the most part I just like to script/supplement my main/watch the bots grow. I'm weird, I know.

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  On 11/16/2017 at 8:30 PM, gearing said:


mimic a human when you bot, who the fuck in their right mind would cut oaks for 8 hours straight

also, try Friday-Sunday less monitoring


Only one ran for 8 hours :) 3 of them ran for <3hr. Other two somewhere between 4-7.



  On 11/16/2017 at 8:26 PM, Slicer said:

stop botting in f2p is my suggestion.


Is f2p just monitored that much more heavily? I see hundreds of bots on there every day, even if they are suicide, they are suiciding long enough to make a profit, as they are consistently everywhere and at high level resources... Are they doing a 24hr run with a drop at mule for a what, 40k-50k/hr profit after the 5 hours to quest + get 60wc. So like, maybe .5-1m. a day per bot? Seems like a very low profit margin unless you are able to run 20+ of these guys daily?

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  On 11/16/2017 at 9:15 PM, avid said:

Thanks, I'll try that with a couple accounts and see how it goes! Does method matter in your experience (powerchop,banking)?


It doesn't seem to have that much of a difference for me although I would think power chopping would be easier to detect for Jagex due to the high number of accurate clicks required for the dropping. That's just speculation though.

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