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[Community Poll] Official OSBot Scripts


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Even though I'm not currently a hardcore botter, scripter, or a VIP user, I have some issues with this idea, and would like to propose a new one.

Firstly, with this current idea there's couple of things that I agree with and don't agree with. To start of with I agree that something needs to be done about scripters deserting their script after a time, but that's something that they can't be punished for, most of the scripts on the SDN don't have a reccuring fee and compared to the amount of money people can make it benefits the users more than the scripters. I like the idea of "OSBOT SUPPORTED" scripts a lot. However, don't like the idea that was proposed due to the fact I don't think our dev team should be the one's making those scripts and then using OSBOTS name to sell their scripts. This is where my idea comes in.

In order to make OSBOT SUPPORTED scripts, a team of scripters should be hired that will make scripts that have essentials but without any complex shit so other scripters aren't affected. Basically each category will have some type of "AIO scripts that are OSBOT supported" except the harder categories. These scripts should have a built-in "bug report" that alerts the scripting team of any issues that need to be fixed. Now in term of cost, a new rank should be introduced that offers VIP benefits + these scripts at a set price per month (15-20?). The scripting team in charge of those scripts would be paid a set amount that the company wants to give per month.


The reason for this is that the company benefits in terms of this new rank sales, and the issue with the dev team or the scripters scripting the "OSBOT SUPPORTED" scripts don't benefit off the initial sales and then quit causing subsequent scripters who have to work on the script to not profit as no new users want to purchase those scripts. The users are benefiting by having the opportunity to pay X amount of dollars per month to have a script that has the essentials and won't break, or to pick from scripters who script complex scripts  or AIO scripts but may leave in the future. Lastly, the scripters aren't hurt that much because they can benefit of the complex scripts or releasing their own AIO that might be cheaper and users will have to pick what they want.

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Refresh thread, this post was changed several times :doge: 

Pros for scripters:

- Official osbot scripts can be a gateway to purchasing more scripts from other scripters, once they want more features in the scripts
- Official Scripts have less features than normal (very weak pseudo-point)

- Can make new scripters look for new scripts to make rather than the basic 5 skills (very weak point - there's 25 skills to choose from)

Cons for scripters:

- Will lose yet another margin of profit
-- Counter-point: make the official osbot script more expensive
- Will risk their script appearning 'non-official' which is not good for sales or reputation whatsoever (when comparing scripts)
-- Counter-point: N/A
- Dev time will be eaten up by 5 AIO scripts (albeit limited in features) which means less support for the client, forums and scripters
-- Counter-point: outsource the script to an Official Scripter (weak counter-point: the scripter maintains a script for no profit)
-- Counter-point: scripts won't require much maintenance - but the initial dev time still stands

Pros for users:

- Risk-free script (big point!)
- Waste less money on broken scripts by scripters that may end up leaving

Cons for users:

- If an official script breaks, or works badly, trust and/or value in the official osbot forum and client will be lost, and the customer may go to another client 
-- (if a scripter's script breaks, the user will blame the scripter and not the whole client). Although if a script with no competition breaks the user can still go to another client.
-- but what if the client goes offline? Won't users still lose trust? No - all clients break and there is no trust involved, just a slight delay while the client updates.
- They may end up paying more if they want scripts with more features, and will think of it as a rip-off in the long-run (weak point)


If the primary concern is the fact that users will have no script to use once it breaks (and the scripter quits):

- Either give the user another script of the same genre. If there is no immediate similar product, offer them a half month/month of VIP. Can't go wrong with giving free VIP (from a marketing POV it may increase vip sales once the user's vip runs out and the user starts to miss having VIP status). If they chargeback, ban.. If they don't want VIP give them store credit, last time I checked nobody loses anything when a free script is given.
-- However, giving free vip to 1,000+ users simultaneously is not good. So maybe a conditional solution is required, if the user had the script for more than 6 months, then different compensation (if any at all)
- Give the script code to another deserving scripter and let them control the script thereafter

If the primary concern is giving users a default, go-to script so they can rest assured and bot in peace:

- Build official scripts but make them slightly higher in price, that way nobody loses (not everybody wins either) - the user has to pay slightly more but they are guaranteed a risk-free script.

Minimizing the damages after a scripter leaves:

Heavy enforcement of reliable scripting upon releasing new scripts (no static ids and whatnot)
-- Counter-point: but there will be more work for devs to manage scripts/script requests with more code/more time needed: sdn manager/officer position is vacant.
- Give the scripters less incentive to quit. Constantly chipping away at scripter's power (like this thread) is no good
-- More rules at the private scripts section (the casus belli of this thread)

My personal opinion:

Neutral, leaning toward 'not tooo bad' - for scripters. Hopefully a 'nobody loses' approach is taken instead of a 'few win, few lose' approach. If the plan goes ahead, at least make the scripts slightly more expensive so us scripters aren't impacted too negatively.

Edited by Czar
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@Alek I really love the idea.

Also perhaps it would help you guys that if you had the Scripter III or some selected people maintaining the SDN. This would also help you guys since you can focus on making the scripts/Developing client and they can actually focus on which script is being regularly updated, broken or needs re-work. 

Just a thought :P 

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2 hours ago, Botre said:

There's very little incentive for scripters to stay.

I guess cutting the middle man is one solution, but it doesn't sound very sustainable, have you (ever) actively tried to improve the loyalty / retention rate of scripters?

There isnt really much that can be done to stop a scripter from quitting at some point due to needing more time for uni/work or whatever so thats always going to be an issue

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9 minutes ago, ez11 said:

There isnt really much that can be done to stop a scripter from quitting at some point due to needing more time for uni/work or whatever so thats always going to be an issue

If a scripter leaves and fails to maintain his work, then either remove the script or make it VIP+

This way, the bad scripts are gone entirely, and the abandoned ones don't cost anything.

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18 minutes ago, Botre said:

Unless you provide the proper incentives.

Which was kinda my point.

yeah but what incentive can you give someone whos in his final year of university/starts working fulltime so he has no time to work on his scripts or simply wants to focus on more important things in life?

I highly doubt that even czar or khaleesi make enough money from their sales for them to prioritise osbot over a fulltime job/uni if they have to decide.

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16 minutes ago, ez11 said:

yeah but what incentive can you give someone whos in his final year of university/starts working fulltime so he has no time to work on his scripts or simply wants to focus on more important things in life?

I highly doubt that even czar or khaleesi make enough money from their sales for them to prioritise osbot over a fulltime job/uni if they have to decide.

  • Higher payout 
  • Less frequent payouts
  • VIP sale commisions 
  • More (in terms of quantity & diversity) scripter ranks or other 'prestige' incentives
  • Review market dynamics
  • Reward scripter / script loyalty with benefits (increased visiblity, etc..)
  • Events & competitions (don't underestimate fun as an incentive)
  • Reduce toxicity in scripters community
  • Better tooling (the current debugger, logger & remote debuggers are subpar)

There's plenty of room for experimentation.






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