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Longest running BOTTING account?


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So I have been botting casually and hardcore since 2013. I have an account that I have botted on since then off and on, but still put many sessions of 8+ hours on the account daily. This account is still going almost 4 years later. 

I'm just curious if anyone else has any long duration accounts that they have only botted on? If so how old is the account?  

If you wanna share the method also that would be cool, but defiantly not needed. 

Just curious if anyone else has any experience with long running botted accounts!

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1 hour ago, daamurda said:

my longest running was about a year. got banned 24/7 nmz when it first came out. got 99 str and range there before got hammered was working on 99 hp. how many 99s u get in 4 years lol

the account actually doesnt skill or do any leveling. strickly use private collection scripts. only makes about 200k an hour but that longevity!

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6 hours ago, Joey Byte said:

Longest botted account in general, or longest botted account with OSB?

In general


7 hours ago, YoHoJo said:

My bot is this long, beat that!


Thats long, and STRONG


15 hours ago, Sysm said:

99 in about 10 diffrent skills without ban (sold the acc) 



23 hours ago, THS said:

Had an acc get to 57m wc exp

Nice, I've only had 1 account ever make it to 99 wc. I was super shocked when it did though

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