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Help Creating Gold Farm


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I am newish to runescape botting and am looking into creating a private gold farm with a target of 500k/h, preferably in F2P. I have been a professional software engineer for many years now so am able to do the scripting but I have a serious lack of runescape knowledge. Because of this I am looking into getting an partner/accomplice (or whatever you wanna call it :P).

You will need:

  • To speak English, sorry but I don't know any other languages. At minimum you have to be able to hold a conversation;
  • A good understanding of OSRS as you will be in charge of coming up with new money making ideas, I will try help as I am already at about 100k/h;
  • A willingness to help;
  • Some free time, the more the better;
  • Basic understanding of scripting/java as while I know how to write the scripts I don't have all the time in the world so you may need to pitch in; And
  • If you are helping with scripting then a basic understanding of version control (primarily GIT), I can teach you if required.

Apply with a response to this post containing:

  • Any work you have done before (not required but gives you great brownie points);
  • Your time zone/hours you will be awake and available;
  • A bit about why you are interested;
  • What you can bring to the table; And
  • Any questions you are willing to ask publically.

I will then go through an PM each applicant through the OSBot forums to discuss further, this will also give you a chance to ask any more private questions, so make sure to check your OSBot forum messages.

[Edit] As a reward for your efforts we can negotiate a reasonable split in gold made. If you are putting in any sorta comparable effort then you are probably looking at 50/50 after expenses. [Edit]

Welp that's all there is too it, I hope to talk to some of you soon.



Edited by BaronKiko
Forgot to explain reward
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5 minutes ago, AdnaneSen said:

What's in it for the applicant?

You are totally right, I forgot to add that bit. I am willing to do a split of the gold received. The exact split depends on the specific applicant's skills, simply put the less you help out the less you get but if you are putting any sorta decent effort in then you will probably get a 50/50 split (after expenses ofc).


6 minutes ago, Abuse said:


In what world is a developer with 15+ years of exp a junior? Likewise if they have that much exp then they should be taking a real paying job?

12 minutes ago, Drewyboyo said:

Don't put all your eggs in one basket


How do you mean, like with one person? Or with one bot?

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Take my advice and go do something useful with your time, you are only going to lose money on runescape if you plan to just come out of nowhere and start a goldfarm. There's been about 5 people like you every day spawning on the forums for years. So far, all of them quit and lost nothing but their money and time.

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1 minute ago, Token said:

Take my advice and go do something useful with your time, you are only going to lose money on runescape if you plan to just come out of nowhere and start a goldfarm. There's been about 5 people like you every day spawning on the forums for years. So far, all of them quit and lost nothing but their money and time.

Who said I am doing it for money? Sure that would be nice but I just find this stuff really interesting as I develop games from time to time so it's useful to understand how people do these things.

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2 minutes ago, NinjadGuy said:

Java knowledge + osrs knowledge != gold farm (at least not necessarily).

I'd rather pay someone to write me a private script and have 100% of the profit.

Good luck:


If someone is willing to write a script for x amount of money then it's clear they couldn't make that much by running the script, simple as that. Also when you can write your own scripts paying somebody to write it seems like a waste of money.

And really a lmgtfy link is just annoying as it basically tells you to come up with your own method and stop googling it.

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20 minutes ago, BaronKiko said:

Who said I am doing it for money? Sure that would be nice but I just find this stuff really interesting as I develop games from time to time so it's useful to understand how people do these things.

Don't set profit targets if you don't do it for profit. If you want to learn, feel free to develop something more complex that does not necessarily make 500k/hr.







I am newish to runescape botting and am looking into creating a private gold farm with a target of 500k/h, preferably in F2P


As a reward for your efforts we can negotiate a reasonable split in gold made. If you are putting in any sorta comparable effort then you are probably looking at 50/50 after expenses.




Who said I am doing it for money?


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12 minutes ago, BaronKiko said:

If someone is willing to write a script for x amount of money then it's clear they couldn't make that much by running the script, simple as that. Also when you can write your own scripts paying somebody to write it seems like a waste of money.

And really a lmgtfy link is just annoying as it basically tells you to come up with your own method and stop googling it.

Now you see, this is why I'm telling you it's not that simple to run a goldfarm. 

What differs you from these script writers that actually have plenty of runescape knowledge?

I can't write my own scripts, how is it different from splitting 50% of the profit with you though? oh right, I actually make way more profit.

Runescape has been for like what, 15 years now? how many secret methods do you think there are out there that can make you a successful goldfarm?

I wasn't kidding about the money making wiki guide, it's an helpful tool.


Don't get me wrong, if you think you have what it takes to goldfarm, go for it, I just think you're doing it the wrong way.

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3 minutes ago, Token said:

Don't set profit targets if you don't do it for profit. If you want to learn, feel free to develop something more complex that does not necessarily make 500k/hr.









So the reason there is a goal is because any good project needs a goal otherwise it will either just go forever or there wont be enough determination because it already makes x. The 500k/h seemed reasonable to me as lots of people online claim to make figures in the millions.

The reason it's private is because it takes a huge amount of resources to clean up and release code for public consumption as I actually care about the code. Also it would directly go against me and increase the chances of getting caught. It's not like I don't want the gold as I do enjoy dicking around in OSRS from back when I used to play it as a wee child.


5 minutes ago, NinjadGuy said:

Now you see, this is why I'm telling you it's not that simple to run a goldfarm. 

What differs you from these script writers that actually have plenty of runescape knowledge?

I can't write my own scripts, how is it different from splitting 50% of the profit with you though? oh right, I actually make way more profit.

Runescape has been for like what, 15 years now? how many secret methods do you think there are out there that can make you a successful goldfarm?

I wasn't kidding about the money making wiki guide, it's an helpful tool.


Don't get me wrong, if you think you have what it takes to goldfarm, go for it, I just think you're doing it the wrong way.

Really just seems like you are trying to be negative because I'm not doing it the way you would.

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2 minutes ago, oTroll said:

I'll gladly sell you a few money making methods that you won't find on the wiki and that you could use in your gold farm (P2P). Not interested in your idea though, if I had to put in as much effort as you said I might as well start up my own farm lol

how much?

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