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account locked


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is this a new antiban? since my supplier of accounts is in hiatus, I made myself some accounts, all from different proxies, after the tut island it logged and when I'm about to bot with it, it says account locked.. no one tried to log on my accounts because this happens under 10 mins lol. used fake emails tho (if that matters). 

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  On 2/4/2017 at 7:46 AM, Juggles said:

I made like 50 accounts today and they all get locked after tutorial island. 

I've talked to a few other people and it seems to be happening to them too. 


What about your current accounts?



And have you tried making a new account from a fresh IP? 

i.e. At school or something?

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  On 2/4/2017 at 7:47 AM, akssnipe said:

What about your current accounts?



And have you tried making a new account from a fresh IP? 

i.e. At school or something?


I have 30 accounts right now botting fine since Monday lol

I was just trying to make some more 

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  On 2/4/2017 at 7:59 AM, Satire said:

Yea. Happened to me with 1 account. You can work around it. Make an account with an ip in the same country. 

e.g Make an acc with a proxy from the US, then bot that acc in the US. 

However, seems like if I do tut island by hand, It doesn't get locked. It's kind of strange, wtf. 


This is only one way it happens. It also seems to happen if your tut island script gets detected/you start mass-creating accs. I had this happen last night when testing my tut island script. I made 4 accs in quick succession (< 30 mins), and the last acc I noticed gets locked. So I check the other accs, locked. Then I fix up the bugs I was aiming for in my tut island script, that test acc gets locked. So I figure best test a hand-made acc, locked. All in all, 8 accs got locked on that IP for what I assume was a combo of bad tut island (detected) and the quantity of accs being ran through on the same IP. I did register/run these accs on the same IP, so the country dealio doesn't apply. Will do some testing with that IP tonight and see if its still locking accs. My farm tho I do 1 IP to 1 acc and no locks, so idk if this is an issue of multiple tut runs per IP or not. Also, all my older accs on that IP are not locked, only new accs.

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1 Locked botted after finishing tut Island (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation)
1 Locked botted mid tut island (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation)
1 Locked after tut through mirror mode on legit client ~ 3 mins (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation)
1 not locked after creating legit and doing legit through legit client
1 not locked doing legit through legit client (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation)
1 locked botted mid tut island (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation)
1 not locked, legit through osbot client (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation)
I know the stats aren't there to back it up,
but this isn't looking good for the client methods :doge:
(in order)
doing random tests

Edited by Isolate
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  On 2/4/2017 at 8:12 AM, Lemons said:

This is only one way it happens. It also seems to happen if your tut island script gets detected/you start mass-creating accs. I had this happen last night when testing my tut island script. I made 4 accs in quick succession (< 30 mins), and the last acc I noticed gets locked. So I check the other accs, locked. Then I fix up the bugs I was aiming for in my tut island script, that test acc gets locked. So I figure best test a hand-made acc, locked. All in all, 8 accs got locked on that IP for what I assume was a combo of bad tut island (detected) and the quantity of accs being ran through on the same IP. I did register/run these accs on the same IP, so the country dealio doesn't apply. Will do some testing with that IP tonight and see if its still locking accs. My farm tho I do 1 IP to 1 acc and no locks, so idk if this is an issue of multiple tut runs per IP or not. Also, all my older accs on that IP are not locked, only new accs.


It's quite a confusing topic. I've made over 2k accounts on my home ip and I logged into them on a proxy. Some got locked and some didn't (I checked some of the fresh ones I made yesterday on my IP). This is completely random and we need to find out what triggers it. Seems like they haven't chain banned any of my accounts either. None of my accounts has been banned. My mule, pure and main still stand. 

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