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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by akssnipe

  1. yah that works too... also depends on status of acc... i.e. quest points and stats, etc.
  2. I'll see you l8r m8

  3. Nothing lol its a joke. @Mio is a cool guy. I'm leaving for personal reasons as stated above
  4. Anime should be illegal
  5. /sarcasm i haven't contributed shit to this community. that's why im leaving. i'll be back when i can actually help with the fight against jagex. i got a couple good ideas but no skills to implement it xylophone naw lol. i just wanna be a meaningful member. when i have legit skills i'll be back and then we'll start winning against fagex. mark my words
  6. I don't believe in scamming. If you wanna make money, do it the right way!
  7. 25th letter of the alphabet...
  8. holy shit lol. thats insane. that means they've really stepped up their game lol...
  9. Leaving this community for a while. I don't know if imma take a break or just quit. Either way, it was fun. l8r m8s p.s. i hate rio... replace r with m tho EDIT: I don't hate mio or lio or rio or anyone lol. This community is awesome but I just haven't contributed anything other than shit posting. I'll be back for sure so don't get excited lol. But when I come back, I'll actually contribute and help with the fight against Fagex. I got a shit ton of ideas but I need the skills to implement them. I'm gonna work on me for a while and get some l33t sk1llz. When I come back, it'll be discrete and no one will know. Peace out guys. I'll see you later, in like a month lol (maybe a couple of months so yeah go ahead and party).
  10. Posting a thread about this is basically asking for it lol. Don't lie rofl... But don't take it personally because I'm not looking down upon you. This shit is frustrating lol. Here you are tryna profit and Jamflex is ruining yo game. Ignore #3 lol. I just added that because I like 3sums.
  11. I agree with you there but it doesn't make any sense to flag an IP
  12. no they are not. flagged IPs are a crock of shit. why would they flag an IP? imagine a public library or uni. tons of kids playing rs at uni, and one kid starts botting doesn't mean everyone gets checked and banned.
  13. The amount of trolling in this thread is hilarious. To answer OP's original question: It's all trial and error dude. Try different things to see what works and what doesn't. No one is gonna tell you there secrets so you gotta do it yourself. Good luck man. i.e. Do things like: 1. Spend more time on tut island 2. More mis-clicks 3. Be creative and come up with shit yourself lol. Ain't no one gonna spoon feed you
  14. how the heck is f2p easier to detect? that's like saying everyone who bots on a laptop has a higher chance of ban than botting on a desktop. it doesnt make any sense lol
  15. lolol this is so inaccurate on so many levels. you obviously have no idea what you're talking about
  16. it all depends person to person. i can't give you an equation so you can calculate it. its trial and error
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