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Trade With Caution
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About Santonio

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Questing / Skilling.

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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6923 profile views

Santonio's Achievements

Adamantite Poster

Adamantite Poster (7/10)



Santonio's Feedback

3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr
Positive 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0
  1. JayFamily left Negative feedback   

    recoverd the account i purchased from him and the original email somehow, lost 120m total..what a fucking scumbag.

    Santonio was The Seller

  2. ShaunBr left Negative feedback   

    Scammed me 30m of quests and 10m cash

    Santonio was The Seller

  3. sneaky left Negative feedback   

    Sold 150M 15min ago and he scammed me.

    Santonio was The Buyer

  4. Antonio Kala left Positive feedback   

    Sold 36m 07 gold

    Santonio was The Seller

  5. Phaibooty left Positive feedback   

    did quest for him :)

    Santonio was The Buyer

  6. Fibonacci left Positive feedback   

    did desert treasure and some other prequests for him, went smooth as always :D

    Santonio was The Buyer

  7. Fibonacci left Positive feedback   

    Did 34-53 thieving for him, good communication! +1

    Santonio was The Buyer

  8. Fibonacci left Positive feedback   

    did some fishing for him, nice guy +1

    Santonio was The Buyer

  9. Turkoize left Positive feedback   

    previously bought his mith glove pure too. thanks

    Santonio was The Seller

  10. Turkoize left Positive feedback   

    Sold him my baby aka my runite miner pure treat it well babe <3

    Santonio was The Buyer

  11. DWrizzlez left Positive feedback   

    Sold him some tutorial account's :D Quick nd Ez! Thx again!

    Santonio was The Buyer

  12. Lucki left Positive feedback   

    sold me some items thanks + 1

    Santonio was The Seller

  13. DyQuest left Positive feedback   

    Did mith gloves for Santonio from scratch. I went first and he supplied cash for a bond. ++

    Santonio was The Buyer

  14. gearing left Positive feedback   

    Sold him a voucher he went first enjoy mate! +1

    Santonio was The Buyer

  15. JayFamily left Positive feedback   

    Bought account from him for 80M & went first, he was very patient waited until I got paid, answered all my questions & requests, even gave original email. Very great guy :D

    Santonio was The Seller

  16. Phaibooty left Positive feedback   

    Did some mining :) best communication so far :)

    Santonio was Trading

  17. Blaka left Positive feedback   

    Sold him a signature, fun and smooth

    Santonio was The Buyer

  18. Phaibooty left Positive feedback   

    Did some mining. Easy communication throughout the whole process :)

    Santonio was The Buyer

  19. dragonite3000 left Positive feedback   

    Did fishing for me; Great lad and he went first!

    Santonio was The Seller

  20. Soetnows left Positive feedback   

    did fcape for him, i did go first got payed after. much love

    Santonio was The Buyer

  21. Dard left Positive feedback   

    Bought some GP, thanks! :D

    Santonio was The Seller

  22. Silver Knight left Positive feedback   

    Bought an account for 40M from him! Fast!

    Santonio was The Seller

  23. gearing left Positive feedback   

    bought 07 via btransfer he went first ty

    Santonio was The Seller

  24. gearing left Positive feedback   

    sold him 10euro blizzard store balance

    Santonio was The Buyer

  25. DeadSwap left Positive feedback   

    Great guy , fast service as always

    Santonio was The Seller

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