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delay bans


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So I've been using a new method for botting new pure accounts and new main accounts and was wondering about some things which I will get into later. So my method consists of botting 3 different accounts at a time, only 1 runs and I train them in shifts. Once I get to 70+ stats on all 3 I quit botting them completely. I start 3 new accounts and begin botting them, I bot them to 70+ stats, then go back to my original set. My question is, how long from the time of a report to the time of the delayed ban? Is there any way I could be banned 1 month after I quit botting completely? I don't anyone posting bullshit horror stories of your 1 year long delay bans or shit like "i quit botting 3 months ago and just got banned" cause we all know thats bullshit. Jagex wouldn't let you stay in the game that long, too much profit is already made from the account. I could see 2 weeks to a month. How long is a realistic delay ban? I don't want to start transferring gold to the original set then after a month of not being botted then get banned. 

Edited by Zanny
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2 minutes ago, burnmeh said:

I'm in the same boat as juggles on this one, never had a ban after a few days of not botting


1 hour ago, Juggles said:

Never had a ban after 3 days of not botting the account.

if you managed to escape the banhammer for a day or two, you can be safe, of course they can still chainban you if you goldfarm, but you were stating you only train combat

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