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[Gold Farm]Automatic Farming w/ Database


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  On 5/1/2017 at 3:05 PM, Khanex said:

Imagine selling your method...


This has been discussed before, the price will definitely need to be right before we sell this, we nearly cash in ~$3k monthly, will little to no real over head, so imagine if i hired 1 worker on a salary to run this 24/7 This could go on and on until the runescape gold market, or rune scape in general dies.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/7/2017 at 4:13 AM, Vap0r said:

This has been discussed before, the price will definitely need to be right before we sell this, we nearly cash in ~$3k monthly, will little to no real over head, so imagine if i hired 1 worker on a salary to run this 24/7 This could go on and on until the runescape gold market, or rune scape in general dies.


Congratulations making it this far.  All the other farmers that don't post stuff like this are probably pissed since you're giving people ideas haha.  

But really, what'd be the point in selling unless you decided you were done with goldfarming?

Also, are you worried about taxes...

Edited by Tyelr
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  On 5/16/2017 at 11:12 PM, Tyelr said:

Congratulations making it this far.  All the other farmers that don't post stuff like this are probably pissed since you're giving people ideas haha.  

But really, what'd be the point in selling unless you decided you were done with goldfarming?

Also, are you worried about taxes...


Not worries at all, we pay taxes :gnome:

  On 5/16/2017 at 11:39 PM, RetroBot said:

Wow this looks awesome! Did you learn how to make the database and stuff specifically for this project or did you have prior knowledge?


Both I and my partner work in the IT field, and we share what I would think is the perfect role for a farming partnership, and he is a very skilled programmer.

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  On 5/17/2017 at 5:30 PM, Vap0r said:

Yeah so much has changed I haven't even had the time to update this thread, I may continue to update this but doubtful. appreciate it though.


Yeah lol keep updating this thread. This thread is insanely good. I wish @Juggles would update his.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/18/2016 at 9:47 AM, Vap0r said:

I decided to post my goals for the begging of 2017


Goal #1: Database

Hopefully by the end of the end I will have a database created that will make my bot 100% automated, manage stats, show reports of how long bots last, what time they got banned, the action that they were doing etc etc.


Goal #2: Complete automation

Along with said database comes complete automation, Database will pull all new accounts from account creater, and then start my script to begin training/farming


Goal #3: 4th server build

As of right now I am building my 3rd server, by the end of the month I would like to have my 4th server so I can divide things evenly

Example: 1st server for account creation + tutorial island 2nd server for training 3rd server for farming 4th server for mules


Goal #4: Complete ban testing

The past few weeks I have tried to implement every situation as possible to see which method is really the best for account longevity.


Update: After testing for 2 weeks I have found my desired way to start a new account to limit bans.


Goal #5: Run 200 bots constantly

Right now my peak is 100 bots at a time, with the database mentioned above I can train many bots at a time and keep in a "stash" and whenever a active bot gets banned it will pull a account out of the stash, so hopefully 200 bots will be able to run 24/7


Update: Thanks to Alek's method of nointerface I can now successfully run 300 accounts at one time.


Goal #6: 1B made

I have only just began "mass farming," I currently run 90 bots, 30 at a time that shift every 8 hours, so far ive profited a net gain of about 54m, after buying scripts, accounts, servers, pc parts, etc. 





December 15 2016: Script Semi-Complete

Purchased Khal's tutorial island script w/ CLI mode, once tutorial island is completed client closes and opens up and begins to power train, Once said level is hit, client reopens using farming script and begins, every 10 bots opened 1 mule script is started.


December 17 2016: Account Creation

Account creator bought, Set up on server #1 constantly running in background, every 3 minutes VPN changes ip and location on server.


December 18 2016: Tutorial Island

Had roughly 200 bots made last night, let DB run tutorial island run on all bots doing 20 bots every 1 then swapping Ips.

Woke up this morning with all accounts completed no bans.

Currently training said 200 accounts up to desired levels (takes 2 hours roughly) then will begin to suicide farm


December 19 2016: Test run

Throughout the day, I had said 200 bots run through testing spread out evenly

162 out of 200 bots made it through without ban

I let the 162 bots run with no breaks what so ever for 4 hours (18:00 - 0:00 EST)

Each bot on average made 105k GP/Hour  which = 420k GP per bot which = Roughly 68m

After checking this run at 0:35 EST on the 19th no bots have been banned, Will make a new batch of accounts over night and run them through tutorial island, and will report statistic in the morning since it will be Monday.


December 19 2016: Monday Morning

Monday morning...Oh the worst day for mass botters..

6AM EST Monday morning, Jagex mods have had their way and tried to fuck in so many different angles.

At first I was having issues connecting to OS via OSBOT

Changed ip a few times and was able to connect.

Out of 162 bots running over night

A whopping 81 bots made it

A additional 98m was made

I have decided to continue running the 81 bots until they burnt out

No new bots have been made (I tend to avoid creating on Mondays due to previous experience)

Later in the after noon I will log onto my 4 accounts I have completed on Friday to test "Ban testing" results, will post update later.


December 20 2016: Late night creations

All throughout today I have been working on ban testing, and luckily none have been banned yet.

Following the ban testing I started to create more account

50 to be exact

I ran them all through tutorial islands at different times, different locations, etc etc.

We finally added in a feature which trained account and hopped directly into farming, so as of right now after tutorial island the bot is 100%

My plane to further bot testing will be this...

60 bots  were created, broken down into 5 groups. 10 bots per group One of these groups will be kept to interchangeably alternate.

10 bots will be running every 4 hours in "shift work" so 10 bots will be running at all times 24/7

Example: group 1 will bot from 7AM - 11AM, Group 2 will bot 11AM-3PM, Group 3 will bot 3PM-7PM, Group 4 will bot 7PM-11PM, Ground 5 will bot 11PM-3AM from 3AM-7AM there will be no bots running, this is time for me where Jagex comes in for the ban and in my opinion where most of the bans happen.



I will try this method and flip flop each group of bot's schedule to see if this helps the longevity of the bots.


December 20 2016: Launcher created

We got the makings of the launcher created,

The launcher itself will be ran in the background, it is more like a service than anything.

It will communicate with the DB and the DB will tell it what accounts to run, when to run them, what script to run, what parameters etc etc.

With this launcher in the back ground it makes it easier to start and stop the OSBot processes, thust making it able to have features like :

  • Scheduling - Start and stop bots at a specific time

  • Multi-Scripting - Can run multiple scripts per account, for example I can run khal's tut island script, then switch to a powermining script once completed

  • Ban Detection - As soon as a bot gets banned, a new bot which has already been trained will log in and start in it's place

  • Statistic Capturing - We will know why accounts got banned to further improve methods, what level they got banned @,  the status when they got banned, and how long they were running


Other features will be added in once we can think of them, if anyone has any suggestions feel free to message me.




December 21 2016: Launcher's Make over

Did a bit of a touch up on the GUI of the launcher, this will be able to identify how each server is running without having to move too many thing around.

As far as botting goes, I have botted 24 hours since last update and no bans of right now on 200 accounts, reaching 320m GP by the time everything sells

Right now we are further updated the Database and launcher and we expect everything to be 100% done before Christmas





December 22 2016: NoInterface released

With the release of 2.4.106 comes the ability to run nointerface.

So first thing I did was start up my main scripts in nointerface

Before hand  low resource low cpu, I was able to run:

80 per server (3) 20 for main computer and 10 on laptops (2) Totaling 200 even.

Now with nointerface I am able to run:

100 per server (3) 30 on main computer 15 on laptops(2) Totaling 360 bots.

Most likely I will run 300 even workers to to make sure things aren't being pushed to the max.


December 28 2016: Database updates

Due to the holidays, there hasn't been much work done to the database, but just intensive testing.

As of right now we are able to:

-Launch multiple bots at any time

-Kill processes (end bots)

-Communicate bot to bot, and bot to database (useful for mule to bot communication)

-Setup premade script cycles (New bot created -> Runs TuT Island -> Power levels -> farms)

-Multi-script usage (Able to run multiple script for the same bot at a given time, ie. Can run a tut script, end, Run a woodcutting script, end, run gold farming script)


December 29 2016: Script Update

-Farming script has had some updates

-Now fully automatic, making roughly 90k per hour depending on level and population.

-Mules now automatically trades to tier 2 mule every day at x:xx time.

-Current processing is tutorial island script > QP script > Power Training script > Farming

-Able to run this process with multiple scripts flawlessly


Goal #1: Database : Goal Completed!

My #1 goal has been completed.

I now have a fully functioning database, it is not fully 100% automated yet, but as far as data importing it is working 100%

The launcher communicated to the DB, and will automatically relay information, import new accounts, and switch to different groups once the accounts meet the requirements.

We are very close to full automation.


January 5th: Live action

First VM is set up

Currently testing this with the launcher

Bots are loaded in from the database, you fill out what type of accounts you want and how many of each account

Currently we have:

Clay miner, Iron miner for both Rimmington and Falador location

Power mining for both Rimmington and Falador location

Mules will automatically log in, for testing we have 1 mule every 5 bots, we will typically run 1 mule every 10 bots.




January 12th: DB and Launcher 100% complete

Now able to create, upload, and use all accounts 100% automatically.

Accounts get created -> DB stores accounts as needing tutorial island completed -> User selects to run tutorial island bots

-> Once completed bot needs to be power mined ->Once completed the bots are seperated as iron or clay miners

-> Able to farm bots now by selecting how many to keep up and launch, the launcher will make sure X amount of bots are ALWAYS running even after bans.








January 18th: Big Update

So A LOT of progress has been made since the last update.

- A GUI of the database has been created using Apex (Pictures down below)

- "For Sale" option now added to launcher. This will be used for separating accounts I bot with vs accounts I am selling

- Individual Ban checking has been implemented. This is good to use to confirm if the mass amount of accounts that are being sold are banned or not

- Tutorial island script rewrote, We have rewritten our tutorial island script to fix bugs + lower bans hopefully.

- With the new tutorial island script, account preparation now takes 1.5 hours (Tutorial island, Getting CB lvl, Going to GE to buy picks, Power mining)




-Apex GUI



- Account information



-Ban Checking






Live Demonstrations


Live Demo: Pulling accounts from Database








Live Demo: Launching accounts



Thanks for inspiring me. 

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