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Why is Jagex so greedy?


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So, I started a hardcore ironman, the account name as Tom Penny, banned today 11/17/2016, I honestly only botted 38-40 thieve on master farmers with Mollys Thiever but I went out, spent $25 on membership, and was banned for maybe 30 minutes of botting. Which R.I.P $25 but to get to the point; i've noticed that bots I pay for memebership on are normally banned before any other account, I use irl money on my main and iron but bonds on my bots because I don't want to lose real money but this has happened in the past with botting 40-50 agility and other such things and i'm honestly just sick of how disproportionately accounts that have irl money are banned. Has anyone else noticed this? 

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So, I started a hardcore ironman, the account name as Tom Penny, banned today 11/17/2016, I honestly only botted 38-40 thieve on master farmers with Mollys Thiever but I went out, spent $25 on membership, and was banned for maybe 30 minutes of botting. Which R.I.P $25 but to get to the point; i've noticed that bots I pay for memebership on are normally banned before any other account, I use irl money on my main and iron but bonds on my bots because I don't want to lose real money but this has happened in the past with botting 40-50 agility and other such things and i'm honestly just sick of how disproportionately accounts that have irl money are banned. Has anyone else noticed this? 


If you really care about getting banned so much why do you invest real money into an account with the knowledge that it could be banned?

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