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Farmed 20m over the weekend;


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Lost 2 accounts & a 3rd 2day :P I think I'm figuring you out jagex!



Permabanned my main, but that was the plan as I skinned it of everything last night.



>:D and what I've been goldfarming doesn't count as a goldfarming macro, so i'm solid!


-edit- this is on my quest to becoming a fully functioning goldfarming dood

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made 167m this weekend profit meself biggrin.png 0 bans lel



We're doing the same thing I'm pretty sure, but I had it on like 4 hours on 1.5 hours off basically 24/7 on 3 accounts. I'm trying to figure out an interval that balances the cost of a vps.




turns out it was 40m and I was super high when I finished up.

Edited by melomel
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