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Khal Wintertodt


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19 hours ago, Xanthippie said:

What is the best food to use for this? Just bought this script and have never done this minigame before lol 


11 hours ago, Seriously said:

Cakes if you have 10hp(or close)

Wines otherwise


6 hours ago, Xanthippie said:

90 HP, still wines? I was using 6 sharks lol 


24 minutes ago, Seriously said:

 Sharks are 600gp, wines are only 3gp.

Sharks are obviously better but everyone uses wines because they are cheap as fuck.

Sara brews are probably THE BEST food you can use there.

Yes Cakes when low HP, wines when higher HP :)

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does it auto bank pet? loving script so far!

Also does it have death walking support? Because i do have game neck in bank.
Maybe an option to add in? when spawn in lumbridge walk to bank and tele.

( im using clue hunter gear on lvl 3. so the armor stays equipped. when dieing because its untradeable)

Edited by dieg0
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