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Biggest goal ever on OSRS


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Just broke 24.6m Hunter exp, and guess what? I've been botting on and off on it since 2014. Got a two day then and waited for it to expire and then I botted again. Just got a two day and gained almost 7m exp just in this weekend. What a time to be alive.

Was using FrostHunter for most of it. I did make my own personal bot script and used that though for quite some time.

Showing a picture of the offense won't prove anything without a username, and no, I'm not giving out the username. Also, I'm not telling exact exp due to people from Jagex probably lurking on here as well.


Also, I personally didn't want to take it to this extent of posting the offense. But I have a lot more hunter exp that I stated in the original post.

It just shows how toxic the Osbot community really is.

Call it fake all you want, it sucks to see you all get banned permanently, while I sit at 24.6m hunter with a quashed permanent ban, as well as two bans of two days.

Edited by xEmoPrincess
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is this you? doge.png  you're one of these 2 ppl im assuming lol cuz only accs with horrible stats in everything else yet insane xp amount, other accs are good mains etc with other 99s :)

Edited by Gh0st
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