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Perfect Runecrafter AIO


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I would love to get a trial of this if possible please :)?

RC is so slow and tedious!

Edit :

Decided to buy before I waited for a trial and these are the things I think need improving.

- Started with Stamina potion in my inventory, kept trying to spam withdraw essence and wouldn't work until I manually put the stam pot in the bank.

- An option to use the nearest obstacle once you enter the abyss that you have selected, instead of running past every single mob to get to the same entry point each time.

- I had the option selected to repair the bags, it didn't repair them and just stopped working, it should just automatically repair them at random every 6 - 8 trips or whichever value you enter or something.

- At one stage OSbot froze and after it started working again my character was just standing still and doing nothing in the wilderness.

I also had deathwalk turned on, someone PK'ed me and it doesn't go to pick up your loot or anything like that and it was just going to leave it, I feel like if you die it should go back and pick up your loot bags and what not by using bank > glory to edge > pick up loot > go back to bank and carry on as before.



Edited by Zelthcon
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Another issue, started the script with 24hp and it didn't withdraw the shark to eat it, just started to run straight to the wildy to do the abyss run,. Just a few things needed to make it more safe / smooth / human-like.

No player would ever login and run to do an Abyss run on 22hp for example.


I mean you can work around those issues by just doing a quick 'self-setup' at the start of each session and the bot runs amazingly well, just if those few things were ironed out I feel it'd be perfect, from my perspective atleast.

Edited by Zelthcon
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Astrals are supported in Lunar isle, you can't craft astrals in abyss, they are only available in lunar isle in-game.

As for small pouch, start script with empty pouch in inventory and let the script do the rest, it should work well.

As for deathwalking, will add some functionality so that the script remembers where it died and walks back to loot items.

As for stamina potions, start the script with only empty pouches, and let the script drink potions whenever necessary, make sure to not interfere with the banking layout, otherwise the script may get confused.

Will run some tests for eating, normal air and earth altars, food, stamina potions and banking.

Nope mains cannot get banned if you don't bot on it :D 

Update coming up, stay tuned guys :D

Edited by Czar
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13 hours ago, Czar said:

Yep runner mode is easy to setup, just enter the username of the master account :D Activated trials, gl guys :D

Earths and airs seem to be flawless, just finished earths at varrock east working like a charm. Testing staminas soon.

Found another bug, I had it enabled to use the Abyss to repair my pouches yet one became broken and the script just started to run to the bank, try to withdraw runes, run out the bank and it would then run back out of the bank and repeat. Instead when it pouch breaks there should be a condition :

if pouch is broken > carry as much ass as possible > repair > continue as normal > repair every 8-9 runs (whichever it is) to prevent breakage.

stuck in loop to and from bank.png

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4 hours ago, Zelthcon said:

The bot is now checking the pouches, opens the bank tab and doesn't do anything else after that, any idea why this is? The bot isn't working?

I think currently lots of scripts are having trouble when running in mirror mode as mirror mode is currently causing issues with banking because Jagex pushed a banking update. As for injection mode, idk.

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