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Everything posted by dlaw1990

  1. You're prob right. Okay ill give that a try.
  2. https://imgur.com/c50ArcX So when I go afk for an hour or so, the script doesn't stop but I come back to the client disconnected. Anything I can do for this? @Czar Mirror mode btw.
  3. Im interested in the account if you can figure out a price for it. Feel free to hit my DM's.
  4. I meant for the fossil island fix.
  5. Would be great if you can add the butler + PVP world plank make method.
  6. @Czar Script is broken for fossil island teaks. It just keeps walking around and get stuck on crabs nearby. Please take a look.
  7. @Khaleesi The script no longer logs out upon using up all available glass on glassblowing. This is quite dangerous, please implement that auto logout.
  8. dlaw1990


    @FrostBug I have the script, but going to use it on an iron at Jad. Does it support food or is it brews only?
  9. Hey mate, does it support sandstone mining into the sand grinder?
  10. hmmm i agree i just started with a new account on previously flagged IP (ip where it has had previous bans on), created an account, waited 2 days, did a manual quest on it, paid members, did sand crabs for 2-3 hours and next day banned.
  11. ags still for sale? interested 

  12. was there an update on tutorial island? getting stuck at the first part clicking the settings gear.
  13. Does anyone have a guide for using this as a fresh account doing rune runner? which is the best way about doing this for rune runner only? edIT: bought the script but my worker keeps logging off once they reach to the alter (doesnt go in) or trade outside of it either. Edit: going to try to do the RC lvl 1 quest for worker. edit: requires rc lvl 1 quest, requires talisman to get in? even tho my worker has a tiara? (not that it matters since my main only has 27 spots) Results: works smooth af. Cant wait for higher lvls. on a second note is it possible to run this with multiple accounts or is it going to get very suspicious running from the same IP? The setup for a runner does take awhile, questing, giving them note of runes. etc Edit on the 4th run, it does not run to the bank properly. it keeps missing the edge of the minimap causing the bot to be stuck (clicks on the lake when doing air rune runs) @czar
  14. is the runner easy to setup? looking for a trial first
  15. Hey guys any chances of ur main getting banned using any runner? or just the runner lol
  16. dlaw1990

    Stealth Quester

    Im assuming it failed because it didnt eat any of the lobsters or anything? and died becuase no health? does this script support eating?
  17. dlaw1990

    Stealth Quester

    Hey guys i my char died during Fight Arena, and when I try to restart the quest, it ends up at the GE stuck? and ideas what happens if it fails mid way a quest?
  18. dlaw1990

    Fruity NMZ

    Can confirm also happening
  19. For me its bugged cannot get past the moving arrow keys, just purchased.
  20. Anyone planning on making a vorkath bot?
  21. Can confirm this is also a problem.
  22. @Khaleesi Can you please fix paying the foreman? It's not pressing yes to pay 2500 gp then keeps spamming the foreman.
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