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OSBot's Riddle Event #3


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Without our community OSBot wouldn't have been where it is today, which is why we decided to host this event for all of you OSRS players and botters!



The event is an interactive happening and will take place in Oldschool Runescape. As the title says, this will be a riddle event. Let's explain how it will work.


First of all, when the event starts, I will post a riddle with the world where the event will take place on a locked thread so you can check the riddle whenever you want to. Secondly, the hard work is for you. You will have to solve the riddle and it will lead you to a specific location in Runescape.


@Khaleesi will be my accomplice on this as he will be the one hiding. The first person to find him, receives a point. The exact procedure on how to win a round, will be explained later on. There will be a total of 5 riddles (don't bother searching for them on the internet because you won't find them, I made them all up myself).


Make sure to have your teleport necessities, possibly some food and other supplies ready before the event starts!




After you've found @Khaleesi, you have to complete this procedure in order to gain the point and win the round.


The first thing you have to do is, find @Khaleesi. You then need to take a picture on which I can see both the answer/action when you've reached the correct location he'll be there somewhere and will have registered the rs name of the first person to tell him the correct answer or execute the correct action, you can take a picture using Gyazo/Puush/....


Forward the picture to me (@Dex) using the PM system. We will compare and if we deem the picture to be legit, you will be the winner of the round.

Keep in mind that only the first person to give @Khaleesi the correct answer/action ingame will receive a point, after that he will be moving to the next location.




Date: 03 July 2016

Time: 21:00 (9 pm)

Timezone: GMT+1


Click here to see the time of the event on your location


The world will be announced together with the first riddle.



If you win a round, you will be awarded with a point. The prizes will be rewarded as followed:


1 point: 3 months of vip.png


2 points: 6 months of vip.png


3 points: Lifetime vip.png


@Khaleesi will be giving away a script auth to everyone with at least one point!

In addition to that, @Alek was so generous to donate one auth for kWarriors to the winner!

In case of an ex-aequo we will be releasing a 6th riddle to determine the winner.


Please note that if you already have lifetime VIP+ or you don't want any of these rewards, that they can either be donated to another user or you can trade it in for $20 store credit.


This is how a riddle will look like. It will contain the information which will lead you to a specific location in Runescape. (this is just an example)



Question: what is Martin Luther King's most known sentence?


If we take this one as an example (the actual ones will be more difficult), the answer to this riddle is the essence mine in Varrock. The answer to the question is 'I have a dream'. You'll have to say the "I have a dream" when you reach @Khaleesi ingame and take a screenshot of it with your rs name still visible.



Some people might think that there will be a mass ban when you participate in this event. I have also taken this into account upon creating the event. Because we do not have one specific location (e.g.: Warrior's Guild) it will be harder to even impossible for Jagex to bust us. OSBot cannot be held responsible for any bans/mutes during/after the event!



We hope to see YOU at the event!

~The OSBot Team

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@Dex wat if you're a script0r 2 like me and vip is irrelevant boge.png ??


can @Khaleesi leak his source code to me instead pls pls Troll.png ?


edit: can u do le dank gfx work  4 me wink.png (if i win ofc)



Uhm, I can't remember how we did it previously. I think we gave the ability to gift it to someone else instead. I'll discuss this with @Maldesto and will get back to you.

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