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All of you might want to be more aware of what you eat

The Hero of Time

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E621(monosodium glutamate) is in almost everything you buy from the malls. It was once even forbidden to be in food in Europe, but that changed later(which is absolute bullshit).





Side effects(English)










Almost everything you eat has a certain additive called e621(with a lot of other names) which slowly poisons us.


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its naturally found in tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, potatoes, mushrooms, and other vegetables and fruits.


Guess i will become a meatatarian.

yeah wikipedia is such a reliable source doge.png


you're dutch, so that saves me some translation trouble


Nadat ik dit artikel gelezen heb en mezelf begon af te vragen wat MonoNatriumGlucamaat is. Er wordt hier gezegd :"E621 is gewoon glutamaat (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glutamaat) een aminozuur die in tomaten en andere voedselstoffen massaal aanwezig is". Dit klopt als men onder rekenen tot 10 tellen verstaat, was het antwoord wat ik kreeg van een aan de Universiteit van Aachen verbonden hoogleraar die zich bezighoudt met de voedingsmiddelenindustrie en de toegevoegde stoffen. Het eerste wat hij zei was : "Wie denkt dat dit een onschuldige stof is, kan net zo goed naast de centrale in Chernobyl gaan wonen!" Zijn uitleg was te complex en groot om hier even op te schrijven maar kwam in grote lijnen overeen met wat in dit artikel geschreven is. Maar als laatste uitgangspunt, goed op te passen met deze stof, zeker in geval van kinderen. Maarja tis ja ook normaal voor sommige mensen dat het aantal kids met gedragsstoornissen/problemen maar groeit, en de farmaceutische industrie hier heel blij mee is. "Rialin voor de Win" zeggen we dan maar.

Alcohol poisions you aswell, yet I choose to do it every single time ... 

guess we never learn until it's too late ^^

side effects of alcohol are a lot less worse imo. Also there's a HUGE difference, since alcohol is used for fun etc and drunkness can only be accomplished by consuming alcohol


e621 however can be completely avoided, it shouldn't be in food in the first place.

Edited by The Hero of Time
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Everything is poisonous if consumed in excess


Monosodium glutamate has a lethal dose of 15g/kg body weight.

Salt has a lethal dose of 3g/kg body weight.


also the EU has regulations on when and how much it may be used the US however has no limits at all.



Please note i'm not saying its good i'm just saying its better than the salt it replaces.

Edited by Okabe
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Everything is poisonous if consumed in excess


Monosodium glutamate has a lethal dose of 15g/kg body weight.

Salt has a lethal dose of 3g/kg body weight.


also the EU has regulations on when and how much it may be used the US however has no limits at all.



Please note i'm not saying its good i'm just saying its better than the salt it replaces.

yeah salt is a really bad ingredient aswell, its used way, way too much in food. 

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