Hello, I have some trouble with the script. i ran it flawlessly yesterday. but seems like something happened today after system update?
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:38:41 em]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[WARN][Bot #1][03/09 09:38:41 em]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:38:41 em]: prayer thread started
[WARN][Bot #1][03/09 09:38:41 em]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:38:41 em]: death callback thread started
[WARN][Bot #1][03/09 09:38:41 em]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:38:41 em]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: Running quests in the following order
#1 Monkey Madness I settings:{hop worlds between quests=false, hop worlds between quests frequency min=1, hop worlds between quests frequency max=3, hop worlds during quests=false, hop worlds during quests frequency min=10, hop worlds during quests frequency max=30, break between quests=false, break between quests frequency min=1, break between quests frequency max=3, break between quests duration min=10, break between quests duration max=30, break during quests=false, break during quests frequency min=10, break during quests frequency max=30, break during quests duration min=10, break during quests duration max=30, FOOD=Shark, DEBUG MODE=false, LOW FPS=false, IRON MAN=false, NO FOOD=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, HAT=Rune full helm, CAPE=null, AMULET=null, WEAPON=Dragon sword, CHEST=Rune platebody, SHIELD=Rune kiteshield, LEGS=Rune platelegs, HANDS=null, FEET=Rune boots, RING=null, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0, reward1=Do not use cannon, reward2=Do not claim reward}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: starting stamina potion thread
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Monkey Madness I; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: computing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: required items
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: 100 Shark
5 Antidote++(4)
1 Dragon sword
1 Rune boots
1 Ball of wool
1 Falador teleport
18 Prayer potion(4)
5 Banana
1 Gold bar
1 Rune full helm
1 Rune kiteshield
3 Ring of wealth (5)
1 Rune platebody
1 Monkey bones
17 Stamina potion(4)
1 Rune platelegs
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Monkey Madness I; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: setting banking context
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:12 em]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:13 em]: success
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:15 em]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Monkey Madness I; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:15 em]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:15 em]: loading owned items
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:16 em]: Error in bot executor or from Error class (and not Exception)!
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.yt.getInv()[I
at org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget.getInv(jn:462)
at api.API.S(jc:42)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2$1.accept(Unknown Source)
at java.util.LinkedList$LLSpliterator.tryAdvance(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.forEachWithCancel(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyIntoWithCancel(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.FindOps$FindOp.evaluateSequential(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.findFirst(Unknown Source)
at api.COM6.F(sm:145)
at api.API.b(jc:271)
at q.Nul.onLoop(pc:382)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bi:251)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/09 09:39:16 em]: Shutting down script background executors