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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Looking to do a little bit of an SDN cleanup. Report scripts you believe are broken below and I'll investigate.
  2. Looks like he used Google Translate and copy pasted the pronunciation.
  3. Correct. The bans are automatic but the final reviews are are not, according to the last time the company talked about botting and bans (this could be outdated information though). The only actual increase in bans would be if more bot busting events are coordinated.
  4. It's expensive to hire employees. Let's say their salaries are $30k/year, it's going to cost them 6,000 members to employ them.
  5. Entity types are not defined by text color. It's an NPC because only NPCs have head icons.
  6. I'm sure if you check your stats or moveMouseRandomly() they will think you are a human.
  7. Thanks to @MGI and @Zach for grabbing the needed data and creating the API for Achievement Diaries. This not only solved a few issues with broken web walking links, but it opens up more possibilities for scripters. Changelog: -Added AchievementDiaries API -Added Web Link Lumbridge-Shantay stepping stones -Added Web Link Draynor-Rimmington underwall tunnel -Added Web Link Motherlode Mine shortcut -Added Banks GRAND_EXCHANGE Download Link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot%202.4.89.jar
  8. Needs to be inactive with usually no purchases on the account, even if it expired. Other factors take into consideration such as previous activity, posts, etc. For instance, you would probably never get the account name Kati.
  9. Everything is supposed to work; there is nothing in the client that is meant to be broken. Also breaks are working for me.
  10. Complains about breaks not working in OSBot 2; doesn't report it being broken - My life as a developer.
  11. My response was more along the lines of "If it's blocked and there are no optional permission flags for it, then you can't use it".
  12. Recently I've been trying to fix a whole assortment of web walking related issues, many of which are from links. One of those link related issues was warning messages that went unaccounted for. A while back I wrote some quick and dirty methods to help me create hotfixes; I've now placed them properly into API format. This API is public in the settings class, as I figured scripters may benefit from this in obscure places where either the web-walker doesn't have a link to or where it's otherwise unneeded. I haven't finished the Warning enum and there are still links that need the checks. Thanks to @Khaleesi for helping me create the enum for warnings which were locked for me. The more fun part of this update which everyone will notice is closing interfaces with the ESC key if you have the setting active in your game profile. This affects all interfaces that use the closeOpenInterface() method; Bank, GrandExchange, Store, Trade, etc. If you don't have this setting active, it will simply fall back on clicking the close button. Version 2.4.88 Changelog: -Removed Settings getBrightness() -Added Settings Warning enum -Added Settings isWarningActive(Warning) --Web Walker Shantay Pass uses this API -Added Settings escClosesCurrentInterface() -Widgets closeOpenInterface() uses ESC key if available --Much of the API such as Bank, GE, Store uses this method -Patched issue with OSBot passwords that have special characters (thanks @Zach) -Patched Web link for Varrock/Lumbridge fence (reported by @Imateamcape) -Added Web link for Varrock Museum Download Link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot%202.4.88.jar Happy Botting
  13. Low resource mode is meant for bot farmers and only offers the bare minimums to execute a script. If you want additional preferences, settings, and configurations, run OSBot normally.
  14. I'm guessing Chronicle is already dead?
  15. 2.4.86 Changelog: -Store API patched 2.4.87 Changelog: -Updated Character isUnderAttack() behavior (suggested by @Molly) -Added Watchtower web links (suggested by @Chris) -Removed web links that require achievement diaries
  16. Capstone was for everyone getting out of AD AF. Most of my time was missiles, also worked at an inspection shop working with our fun Army stuff like semtex, c4, water gel, etc. 155mm not too much since we didnt have any heavies, it was a fighter unit so more like 20mm/30mm (16s and 10s). The BAH for E5 with dependents in my area lets me live for free, and I go to a state university so everything is covered.
  17. You will find a lot of military here at OSBot. Air Force munitions (missiles) here; went into the Guard a few months ago using up my 36 of 9/11 GI. Earned my first Bachelor's while I was in, working towards another Bachelor's right now in Comp Sci. I'm guessing you tried taking advantage of some of the VA small business opportunities you learned through CAPSTONE (maybe it's called something different in the Army)?
  18. Alek


    Try restarting the client a few times.
  19. You shouldn't really be bothering with low resource mode.
  20. All the Green Dragon scripts we've had on here were written sloppy and ran terribly. Additionally the scripters were lazy and used static ids resulting in the script breaking on practically every update. Oh, and terrible death/anti-pk support. I'm probably never going to allow an S1/S2 to release another dragon script (any dragon) again.
  21. Alek


    I'm going to uni too. Brb making resignation thread.
  22. They run hotter but are the best bang for your buck up until a certain point.
  23. Alek


    Sounds like a good reward.
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