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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. hello man, if you online, would you check out my pending thread for account section?

  2. you guys troll? WT is like 40-50k/h at best if you don't have high skills lol
  3. if you want to make those for selling, in my eyes 43 prayer is the way to do - afk nmz is easy
  4. So pretty simple questions, what build is more popular and loved by the players? 1 prayer or around that OR 43 prayer - as i know called NH pures? I'm sure that stats wise build would be 60/75 attack for 43 prayer OR 50 attack for 1 prayer build (?)
  5. yah, i had some random accounts banned after similar period of time, idk exactly how long, but it was like +- month
  6. i use skrill all day everyday and and i'm fine with it. using skrill card to cash-out / pay for daily stuff You probs have unverified account / got money from sketchy account / underage (?)
  7. Title. Need on 2 accounts. cmb 3 skillers. ONLY someone with rep I pay 5m for both acc's. Need ASAP please.
  8. it's not about private - it's about what kind of proxy it is. you need residential proxy, that has not dataserver IP to not get locket (or w/e those proxy IP's are called) I make like 4 acc every day on my own super flagged home IP and im good with it. getting locked maybe like..idk, none of accounts probably. Maybe 1 out of 50 or something.
  9. your post count farming is pathetic.
  10. @Token buys all items for The Knight Sword and terminates it self saying - you do not meet requirements for this quests, terminating.. that quest is doable with lvl 3 no stats and i have done it before..
  11. when i add that name i get like 5 million ppl so not sure what to add haha add my discord - GuyWithLSD#5924 OR delete some PM's from your inbox so we can talk there. P.S. accounts are both 1-13 prayer
  12. @Direful hi. i got 2x g-maulers. One is rusher with ~90 mage / god books + dt + ava + climb boots+ halos and other CW robes / ~70str and range. fully pure quested Another is ~70 str 80 rng 90 mage 13 prayer with fire cape. halo + other CW gear. PM me if interested.
  13. mirror mode could be made into nice meme too, pretty much as nice as this one...you want do it alek?
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