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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. do you even read what the guy said? this started to happen couple days ago...you want to tell me this "get residential ip" thing is couple days old thing? It's funny how you try to look "chad the botter" but you can't even read what is the problem and when/how it happens. we know you are big boi botter, no need to pull your numbers here @ozeki6 maybe your IP's got all flagged because you buy them from same supplier - so at the end of the day, you get same subnets or w/e that can be used to connect all flagged and not flagged(fresh) ip's. So even new ip's you buy that is "clean" are getting "flagged" because it's from same datacenter. i can't see other explanation then your suppliers proxys are being "detected"
  2. Show me what you have already done and what you exactly need in a gif / explain - i might help. PM
  3. So yah, straight forward all i need is MM done on my starter main with 1 prayer and 35 Def. I prefer someone with reputation. Paying in RSGP Tell me price here or in PM please, thanks.
  4. So i'm planning to open shopify shop reselling some music instruments made by my family member and i need a simple and small logo / avatar or call it what ever for that shop. It should be 400 x 600 pixels. I have 2 items i would want to combine into that logo. And i would want it to be cartoonish / simple / esthetic. I would show you those 2 items, and i have an idea how it should look. so there is not much brainstorming left for you. Would look for someone who is more of an artist and draws stuff good with hands too. I might accept hand draw logo with no colors - just black marker or smth. But photo should be in high quality i guess, cell phone camera would not work. I prefer virtual graphics over hand as it's way more easy to edit for later use - change something with it. I cannot pay a lot as i'm poor af atm, buuut i think we could find sweet middle for both of us. (saying "a lot" i consider price of ~40$ or around that. thats wayyy to much for me atm) My discord - GuyWithLSD#5924
  5. Idk, looking someone playing is not my thing, i would better like some tips on what is more important over other things and just do them u now. Not like i want to follow some guide or w/e. And tbh with you - i can't even imagine playing regular acc. I have been botting for 10+ years now i guess, all my life with this game i was botting. I have no interest in grind that shit out when i know i can grab a bot and do it u know. Why would i waste my 10 hours of expensive time to grind out something i can buy from GE with botted gp..feels absolute stupid. Now ironman is something ou can't rush or anything. Makes the feel of game really like it was when i was kid - wandering around doing random tasks and don't thinking about how fast i want to reach that or that, just enjoying the game and the feel. Idk how to explain tbh. i checked it and idk there is nothing that would teach me anything. i mean, it's not hard to youtube quests and just do them u know, his content looks not informative at all. like i mentioned above, i'm more interested in "pro tips" on what is more important over other things. Or like - how to efficient train herblore while getting something else out of doing that. But thanks for trying to help. I think i figured out my next few goals - POH with to store my void. Get gracefull. do quests - monkey madness for dscim + few of entrana quests. Heroes quests. and then i'll see.
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