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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. if you botted on your home IP then this will not work 100% You account must be banned on a Random / Proxy IP to have at least a chance to be unbanned.
  2. I give you cmb 3 with no skills + 1m for supplies. I pay 12m osrs gp if you do it under 3 days I pay 13m if you do it under 2 days. Hand done, no bots. I will not go first unless you are really trusted services provider. Need ASAP -- PM your discord.
  3. like 3-5mils depends om luck finding customer.
  4. so spotted this guy..for me it looks like some sort of f2p risk fighter maybe? what you guys think?
  5. @Apaec hey man, have those problems mentioned above been fixed? windrawing-x amount and eating / drinking pots?
  6. is this with quests? hand done? is this with quests? hand done? is this with quests? hand done? is this with quests? hand done?
  7. Was interested how much would services cost for this? I don't really care about NMZ quests, but if that makes process faster / cheaper i'm down for it! You pick your bosses. I don't care about prauyer levels too, but would like more 1/13 I would provide lvl 3 nub + membership + items needed. Items will be provided only if person in somewhat trusted. Sned me PM or post here for how much ou would do the task, and how long it would take.
  8. wtf you talking here, no update was done, this is some lame troll or what?
  9. this still does not have progressive mode??? @Apaec
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