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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. guywithlsd

    F2p range pure

    have one that will be finished soon - no email / halo / 40 attack 75 str 75 range about 6 days until finished. 25Euro skrill, lmk if interested
  2. lol, don't take it too serious : D I bet you would get stuck selling them 5m/ea.
  3. can go to minnows + have rogues outfit ? 60m
  4. because majority of botter here do not tend to have mains for botting If you are more about farming then just grinding your main, you will never ever have access for your farm to gorillas or vorkath - too much quests, stats. and for that much effors that you need to put into account you get madshit profit.
  5. i can take them for free if you want, idk if they are worth anything
  6. it really sucks tbh. OSBOT is CPU intensive client, but pretty much every script i ever tried with Low CPU is not working lol osbot client is really..meh.. I go from 20% of CPU usage to ~8% with that mode, so it helps A LOT. Maybe you can try make more delays or something to make it work?
  7. sure, i have been using this script for a while now and it worked absolute flaweless so far. This is first time i see it doing wierd things. BY THE WAY forgot to say - I was using Low CPU mode for the first times too! this cause client to lagg. And this could make script loop for a while getting account position while trying to stand in Hop tile - causing in to spam click like this. Just my guessing haha
  8. it's same possible as before. Not sure how you will use autoclicker to drink ovls? and another questions is - will you really stay 6h in a dream with 1k absorbs? And if it's really efficient knowing that internet DC , so you will have re-enter dreams manualy.
  9. Hi @Apaec so i accidentaly caught script doing crazy clicks while trying to hop worlds, i couldn't take whole lenght of it doing it, but yah - Bot was spam clicking 2 tiles for like..20 seconds at least, like shown in the gif belowe.Hopping DID worker, but man, if playe would see me, he would know i bot in like 5 seconds of doing that.. https://i.gyazo.com/beb5d61235e78dd8b85677156fada45a.mp4
  10. not 82 str, but more fully quested couldnt be - ava / mith gloves / books / ardy cape / DT / halo + CW top / angler outfit / some random stuff Fire cape / halo + cw top / nice account but only few attack quests ?
  11. Guys, anyone whana team up and buy 5 proxys from d bolter for 2.5$/ea? I would need only 2-3 so we can split the price. I will pay with Skrill for proxys, you can pay me in OSRS gp @ 0.6$ per mil PM me
  12. awww good to know, now i can buy the account with no worries...you know him irl right...you GUARANTEE he's good guy who just want's to play a main and not going to scam
  13. show me yours tru man beat guys! lets goooooooooo
  14. Acc 1 - With FIRE CAPE, semi-quested attack (climb boots and few other attack quests) Acc 2 - this one is fully quested (DT , Ava, Book, mith gloves) Both accounts have Halos + CW tops.
  15. throw some offers to PM maybe. But ~60m average i think
  16. guywithlsd


    avoid well know methods / places. Use breaks, bot moderate amount of time. proxys on every account. probably residential proxys would work better then simple ones, just in case. maybe try to make your account looking more "legit" by botting all stats to 30+ and then leaving to rest for few days / until the end of weekend. Do all that + private script in some more unknown spots / areas with not click intensive activity and you will last 16h/day with breaks for months. EDIT - and try to avoid osbot for that, it's really not best client out there me ????? me
  17. guywithlsd


    like i mentioned before - don't post about things you have no idea how they work things like that could "confuse" autistic guy trying to investigate if guy is botting or not, but not a dam bot-detection system with data centers analysing thousands of players / bots actions with mods aka programmers behind them analyse data they get and what not remove your tin foil hats and be realistic..
  18. Have anglers set this one got anglers + rogue outfit, so kind of skiller ? Anglers outfit all of them have my email set on them, but login emails is non-existence.
  19. guywithlsd


    do you even bot? ? sorting out the bank..? cool outfits..? hang out in ge???? If this is your way to avoid bans, then not only you waste time, but you waste time with tin foil hat on your head All those things you mentioned there don't help at all. It's just "you feel more safe about playing legit" Bot detection system don't care about you hanging out at ge with cool outfit. Minigames? explain me how can playing a minigame reduce ban chance? You guys really should stop tell ppl how to "avoid bans" if you have no idea how and where from bans really come..
  20. hello, i have 4x - 82 fishing, lvl 3, no emails, no anglers - 35m for all or 10m/ea
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