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Everything posted by lolman15

  1. it would raise it by a little, because those things are mostly afk training methods.
  2. would say around 45/50m, these are not hard to make
  3. Login screen : https://prnt.sc/k1nhve Stats: https://prnt.sc/k1nl84 Items: https://prnt.sc/k1nkl8 Account status : https://prnt.sc/k1nluq just a price check, idk how much i want for it if the times comes ( and when i have 100 post) looking for rs07 GP + middle man if selling
  4. high ban rates on this script in 2018?
  5. how much would this account probably go for? has lunar diplocamy completed starting main i guess? 60/60/60/63 70 rc and 82 magic
  6. a combat script with cannon support should work, no? if you can sit the account , just use autoclicker on the cannon and check every 10 mins or so?
  7. ohh thanks for the information man, was hoping on like 100m +- yeah
  8. Looking to sell this account , idk how much is goes for. i am original owner of this account. stats: https://prnt.sc/jm6a2a items: https://prnt.sc/jm67ma
  9. can i get a trial please , want to check it out before i buy it
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