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  1. Apex


    I could help beta test if you need
  2. Depends really on what you want, add my skype and we can talk more!
  3. I'm thinking about creating some basic animation tutorials in After Effects and Photoshop, would this be something you guys would be interested in? I need a good amount of votes in order to do them as they would take quite a while to create an easy tutorial to follow
  4. Aw, thank you that means a lot. The color change gets a lot of people but in the end they all fall in love with the different colors
  5. I actually have an account that I've been using to see the best methods for not getting banned it's current stats 60 Att 60 Str 60 Def 52 Range 68 Mage 40+ in the rest of the skills (F2P)
  6. I personally don't like really "busy" signatures but the lighting is nicely distributed. Again to beat a dead horse, R looks like A
  7. Apex

    Graphics request

    So you would like to make a mock-up across the car's windshield? I could probably help you out fell free to add my skype live:theinspiredone
  8. TrekToop is right a before an after picture would make it easier to evaluate your design because you could've simply grabbed that animation online somewhere (not saying you did) Other than that it looks nice, maybe instead of black try adding colors in the background to match the bard
  9. Apex


    Looks nice, may start up on my mining acc
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