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  1. Ah okay friend, Not seen any issues so far all is going well. Taking regular breaks ever 1.5 Hours
  2. Hi @Eagle ScriptsDoes this look like normal xp rates from doing Mahogany Tables?
  3. Hi, I am unable to view any topics/posts can someone look into this for me? Thanks
  4. If possible id like a refund, After using it for a total of like 4 hours with breaks and getting a 2 day was not what i was expecting, If not then no problem.
  5. Update - Banned Used for around 2 hours for 2 days and got a ban.
  6. Thanks for the reply ** what would you recommend stunned delay (ms) im 88 thieving and i feel like im not getting alot of xp per hour?** @Czar **Can you make it so the bot does not rightclick.....Its been doing it every minute and its so fast it looks botlike.** can this be fixed?
  7. So i cannot get this to work, Im wanting to make it so if the knight runs away it wont follow. So 3 Squares max. Any ideas on how i can get this to work? I Hold Shift and nothing happens @Czar
  8. I just bought it, Ill give you some feedback
  9. Hey all. Looking to buy 70m osrs go $0.60/PM by PayPal. If your feedback is good I'm happy to go first. Message me on Osbot or reply to this topic!
  10. All at Once 50m, 0.83/PM Paypal. Must have good feedback. ?
  11. Sorry mate can only do PP at the moment
  12. anyone reported being banned from using this?
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