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Everything posted by Qubit

  1. Ya gonna have to show us some code bud. After a quick read I wasn't sure if I was reading something written in English and if what I read was talking about threads
  2. well, i can tell you i expected this response..
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/16/us/custodian-graduates-from-college-he-cleaned-trnd/index.html?sr=fbCNN051616custodian-graduates-from-college-he-cleaned-trnd0310PMStoryLink&linkId=24549697 and don't be a liberal arts major
  4. If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.   — Robert Sewell

  5. It's becoming more and more apparent, users on this forums are becoming more and more butt hurt when they get offended. get over and take a joke
  6. I've never run into this problem but, shouldn't paint update it whether or not it is in the onLoop?
  7. if bank is open... getBank().getItems() //i believe Item[] getItems() - Gets the array of items stored in this container in order.
  8. Qubit

    Mod Weath

    Im curious into how the system works.. From my understanding it's dynamic and processing data off the spot, interesting
  9. private internet access... nvm saw you meant vps
  10. no, not at all. compared to other generations
  11. Simple request and the title says it all. I believe it would bring the community closer together and would be great alternative to chatbox. -mentions Gh0st
  12. looks clean tho.. Next time only include your script in the jar file
  13. client side vs server side, is something you might want to look into or understand.
  14. Use the onPaint() method in the script class e.g public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { if(image != null){ g.drawImage(image, 545, 139, null); } g.drawString(formatTime(timer.getElapsed()), 388, 277); //395 g.drawString("Hides: " + hides, 388, 289); if(buryBones || keepBones)g.drawString("Bones: " + bones, 388, 301); } Graphis2D api https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/awt/Graphics2D.html
  15. So in my intro to machine organization course, two kids in my class created a program to auto solve bomb lab and attack lab. I thought this was probably the coolest thing ever and just wanted to share it. Information about the labs are in the link below. (Also advise everyone to try the labs as they are great and informative, they took me some decent amount of time to solve) Bomb lab Program: Disassembles a program in c in assembly x64. After analyzing the code it finds an input that triggers a solved procedure call Attack Lab Program: Disassembles a program in c n assembly x64. After analyzing the code finds an input string that executes/calls/ and exploits certain programs http://csapp.cs.cmu.edu/3e/labs.html
  16. if this is true then damn nice! I wanna see some picks tho, for research purposes obv
  17. if (this.map.canReach((Entity) this.arrows) && !this.arrows.isOnScreen() && !this.isPlayerAnimating()) { this.walking.walk((Entity)this.arrows); //Why not just interact with?. Removing this would also cut off time to collect arrows } if (!this.isPlayerAnimating()) { this.arrows.interact(new String[]{"Take"}); } counter get number of arrows at pos attempt to pickup, get number of arrows at same pos and get difference and add to counter, price checker there's many snippets of that code in the tutorials section for the forum
  18. whatcha think? Alot, of stuff has been deleted from copyright claims. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtyh_e8OdLhtqZmT-DWqmfTLjanGtI5qV
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