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serg Rambo

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Mithril Poster (6/10)



  1. Thank you for the quick response as always
  2. Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity.isVisible(mb:156) at org.khal.khalogre.f.COn.m(p:283) at org.khal.khalogre.KhalOgre.onLoop(hb:154) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(mg:59) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Got this error while running, cannon and attacking ogres. Was spamming my log and script stopped working.
  3. I got 99 cooking, magic, fletching and range using autoclickers, only banned once during cooking because of high ping and the bot started running around ge
  4. I think yes, haven't seen it happening
  5. It sometimes seems to pick up the cannon which cuts xp gains heavily... [WARN][Bot #1][12/22 10:19:44 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][12/22 10:19:44 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 10:44:32 AM]: Repaired decaying Cannon @ 00:24:50 [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 10:44:33 AM]: Repaired decaying Cannon @ 00:24:51 [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 10:44:34 AM]: Repaired decaying Cannon @ 00:24:52
  6. Quests and requirements on fresh acc Waterfall, Fight Arena Vampire slayer the grand tree Tree gnome village Death plateau Mountain daughter ernest the chicken Priest in peril The restless ghost Animal magnetism from fresh account
  7. 66 combat gmauler with cannoned range Attack is fully quested 1 accounts stats 2. Questpoints 3. Wealth/items there will be no wealth left on the account but it will come freshly bonded 4. accounts offence status account has quashed 2day ban 5. login screen Account has registered email, this will be changed to yours upon purchase. I’m the OO of the account You will be going first or MM is used S/B 125m osrs A/W 200m osrs
  8. 66 combat with pool and ornate box mostly cannoned range
  9. serg Rambo

    Fruity NMZ

    Beast script got me another 99 range on the pure !
  10. 50 attack 70 str 79 range 66 hp 1 prayer attack fully quested edit: no registered email
  11. I do alch with ahk and cannon and wines with mouserecorder works great
  12. Quote on 1 pray 1 def fcape 79 range
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