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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. I dont think you need to worry about getting your main banned unless you farm on like 20+ acconts
  2. does he run off with your gp when you try to buy something?
  3. imo small dogs are useless. like you just want a small pet you might aswell get a cat thats much less work lol what do u guys think?
  4. I think you make enough money from herb boxes to pay for dharoks repairs
  5. pretty sure low hp dharoks is the best after like 80str. Just get 1hp with overload, afk 5mins and then overload again and rockcake back down to 1hp. Or use Fruity NMZ to gain insane expierence for no effort!
  6. if jagex could actually detect bot clients they would ban all botters right away so i and many others doubt that mirrormode actually does something to prevent bans. In the end all it does is makes scripts run less smooth and a script getting stuck is a much bigger reason why you can get banned
  7. ez11


    agreed vip forever!
  8. You didnt mention that he already got his account locked before. But reading from that statement it seems like they locked the account again because they didnt saw the note that the location change was legitimate since the account actually has "suspicious behaviour" that would be enough to get it locked if requested by someone who could be the actual owner of that account. Your orginal post was "LOLOLOL jagex support locks account when someone gives them enough information to believe that the acc owner requests the acc to be locked + the acc is in a different country than usual. didnt even check to see if twitter is real lululul" which is simply a retarded.
  9. Oh so you actually want a guy in customer support who has completly nothing to do with the game except for working on the companys customer support where he deals with people who got their accounts hacked/lost their password to know every fucking streamer/youtuber and their twitter accounts? Twitter is just a way to contact the support real quick. If you can deliver information only the account owner should know and the account is actually logged in somehwere where it "shouldnt be" they are obviously going to lock it. I honestly dont understand how you cannot understand this.
  10. then dont leak your login email. Why wouldnt they lock an account if someone claim its hacked, gives them the login that only the owner should know AND the account is actually being logged in from a different country than usual at the moment? If someone hacks your account do you want them to ask your for a copy of your ID before they lock it?
  11. he quotes my post where I say that he made another tweet with the login and then he actually goes to that guys twitter to show the same tweet he already screenshotted but didnt check the other tweets. wtf is he thinking?
  12. Well if someone makes a twitter account and tells them the login email (he made another tweet), that usually only YOU should know, the guy who works at jagexsupport is gonna check the account because there is good chance its the ocial owner of the rs account. and then he sees that there is actually someone playing from a completly different country than usual on so he locks it and the actual owner can just unlock it in 10 minutes. Cant really blame jagex support tbh
  13. Never gotten a ban with czar thiever when i botted for quest reqs also 2016 in 2017 LUL
  14. ez11

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Just got a pet on a new pure at fucking lvl 22* thieving.
  15. yeah i think everyone else who does giveaways goes by post# didnt post any numbers because of that
  16. why dont you just use the post # would be much easier for you lol
  17. your sig is pretty much one of the only ones that are annoying because they are so big. Your sig is pretty much always 5times longer than your post
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