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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. thats because they use their toasters for toasts and not to bot on them maybe you could just get a somehwhat cheap virtual server or something?
  2. Usually the paid ccs have everyone come into closed ccs so you would have to find the world which would probably take way too long especially with hop restrictions. So honestly people should just hop themselves espeically because there are not always ccs working. Better if you could just add a timer that checks how long you have to wait for the bars(to see if a clan left the world) and then it hops back into the normal bf world so it isnt stuck in an empty world after the clan is done or hopped ^^
  3. i thought rank in csgo is based on rounds not wins? so 16-14 win basically means you stay on that rank because you get even games there
  4. one boring character gone. more screentime for characters that actually do more than repeating one word and carrying a cripple around pretty good imo maybe they find an actual story for daenerys next so that plot doesnt just repeat: get into trouble, somehow get an army/dragons/other allys, do one attack or whatever with them and then do nothing for the rest of the season, lose your army and get in trouble again
  5. hopped around and found a bf clan sadly they stopped after 20mins steelbars without clan is like 180k gp during morning hours in eu going slightly up over time gonna make mithrilbars this evening 100% gonna get this script and vip for enxt weekend xD
  6. just started using it currently fishing knights sowrd. you already said this one is few versions behind so this might be not an issue anymore but maybe you could make it that the script doesnt run in step 5+6 of the quest to save run energy for the dungeon? also doing bf in the morning eu time really takes a long time when there is only 1 legit player on the bf world who keeps it running xD
  7. If you try to do dks at peaktime you better be maxed with best gear
  8. this is really getting ridiculous how long it takes to get put on the SDN
  9. yeah we get it u have a real life gj dude
  10. will they hire another botclient developer to shutdown his site or how else are they planning to reduce botting?
  11. please pm me or quote this post when this script goes live so i can get a notification
  12. please tell me this is gonna be up tomorrow
  13. Personally i always botted like someone who plays the game normally and it worked decently. So basically 2-3 hours around afternoon then a break for like 1-2 hours and then 4-8 hours at the evening. Like why would you take breaks to make the bot looks more like a human and then take breaks where jagex sees you logging in and out every 30 minutes for 4 days in a row
  14. Do you think you can get this script out by friday?
  15. not sure but cant you just use these minecart at the ge to get right back to the dwarfcity for free once you started the quest? nvm i didnt realise you could just minigameteleport to bf
  16. admins not working on weekends i guess
  17. do you let them all run on the same ip ? just wondering how many bots can survive for one weekend on the same ip. Usually I just keep it at 4 bots when im suicide botting for gp
  18. where do you bot this? do you pay some bf clan to do the rest or just go on some full world?
  19. ETA on the release? Really looking forward to test and probably get this script
  20. Can you give me a trial for this script if you release it?
  21. when is this script going to be available?
  22. why would you pay so much money when most of the games are dead lol and if you spend that much money on csgo hacks you probably dont want a ragehack that gets you banned within days lmao
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